San Bernardino Teachers Association CTA/NEA MOU-Collaboration Day Professional Development Program
SBTA O Represents 3,000 members in SBCUSD O Teachers, Nurses, Counselors, Psychologist, Speech Therapist O 16 member Board, 2 Uniserv Directors, 3 employees
San Bernardino City Unified O San Bernardino City O URBAN district O 50,000 students O 74 Campuses O 11 Charter schools O 70% English Learners O High Concentrations of African American, SES, Special Ed, FRL O Second poorest city in America O City filed for bankruptcy 2012 O City Council Recall Election O minimal employment O Gang/Racial War 35 deaths in the past 2 years
What’s our story? Union-led Transformation!!! O Under NCLB SBCUSD was designated as a Program Improvement District. O The intervention plan called for increased training and professional development. O Current contract allowed for 2 staff meetings per week, outside of the workday.
Continued… O In 2003, the District and the Association decided to bargain an alternative workday for the teachers and students one day each week. O This would create minutes of professional development time within the workday!
Alternative Schedule O Elementary O Student Day 8:50am to 1:00pm O Teacher workday 8:40 am to 3:45 pm Prof. Development 1:30pm to 3:30pm O Secondary O Student Day 9:45 am to 2:35pm O Teacher workday 7:50am to 2:40pm Prof. Development 7:50 am to 9:25 am
Pros & Cons O Teachers could receive professional development during the workday. O Less disruptions to afterschool programs O Increased training opportunities O No input of training O Schools could opt- out O 2 meetings outside the workday O People were not collaborating, they would sit and listen (or not listen)
Organize, Organize, Organize!!! O The Association surveyed members for input on the schedule, training topics, decision making. O The District developed a uniformed bus schedule and required all schools to participate. O This process took over 10 years to refine.
New Changes O Language on Professional Develop Teams O Share decision making at the site O Joint Training O Limit staff meetings to 1 per month O Language on recess, lunch breaks, duty O Changes the focus from professional development to COLLABORATION
District RESULTS O We had several schools exit out of program improvement. O We began seeing more schools with API scores in the 800 and 900s O Schools receiving achievement recognition Distinguished school awards, Seal Biliteracy, AVID Demonstration school etc. O Graduation Rate increased from 68% to 78%
Teacher leadership Opportunities O Professional Develop Teams O Staff Presentations O Department Collaboration across sites O Focus on building site capacity and pulling experts from within the school sites and the district. O Created coaching positions for teachers v hiring consultants
What can you do? O Develop a CO-OP board with your district where you brainstorm ideas focused on student achievement. O Collaborate on a common topic or initiative show solidarity and support for each other. O Focus on building a relationship first!