Maple Ridge Teachers’ Association Self-Directed Professional Development
What is it? Teachers choosing and planning their own Pro-D An endeavour derived from teachers’ own interests and needs Individual or Group Collegial and collaborative Ongoing approach rather than a series of disconnected activities.
Why? Builds teacher autonomy by creating positive pro-d options Allows teachers to choose their own focus Professional literature shows self-directed Pro-D is more meaningful Why?
What does it look like? Examples include but are not limited to: Theme-based activities (student behaviour, assessment and evaluation, etc.) Subject-based or grade-grouping collaborations Teaching approaches (team teaching, case studies, etc.) Book study clubs and inquiry groups Informal peer observations Professional conversations Attending workshops or conferences of interest
Process Encourage staff discussion to find common interests Stress low-key informal approach–Pro-D doesn’t have to be fancy Choose your topic, find your group, decide on a group organizer if needed Find and book a space Consider any materials, resources and equipment you might need Bring food!
Give an account Share with other teachers, your local union, the district, and greater community If we give an account, we are accountable Be positive and celebrate /em leu42-usw-2009 March 12, 2013 Pro-D/HD