Denmark EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October 2015 1 Paving the road for aggregation of EMODnet Chemistry data on a pan-European scale Jesper H. Andersen 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Denmark EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Paving the road for aggregation of EMODnet Chemistry data on a pan-European scale Jesper H. Andersen 1 & Martin M. Larsen 2 1 NIVA Denmark Water Research 2 Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University Oostende, Belgium

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Objectives Key objectives of this case study are: To demonstrate how existing data sets can be combined and used for mapping of ‘problem areas’ and ‘non-problem areas’ To test an existing matrix- and substance/indicator- based tool (CHASE 2.0) before testing in 4 pilot areas using EMODnet Chemistry data sets Please keep in mind: We have agreed to apply the CHASE tool on a pan-European-scale using available data sets from EMODnet Chemistry

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October In essence, it is all about …... getting from: to: … by using a science-based communication tool

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Methodology CHASE 2.0 is a matric- and substance/indicator- specific tool for classification of ‘chemical status’ The original CHASE 1.0 (the HELCOM Chemical Status Assessment Tools) was used for a integrated classification of ‘chemical status’ in the Baltic Sea CHASE 2.0 was developed by the HARMONY project (focusing on the North Sea) and is WFD/MSFD-specific CHASE ‘runs’ on indicators (substances; monitoring data) and agreed Target Values (EQCs) The classifications are done in 4 steps ….

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October A step-wise classification Substances/indicators are initially nested in 4 categories ( CI: water; CII: sediments; CIII: biota and CIV: biological effects ) Step 1 – For each substance/indicator, a Chemical Ratio ( CR = C MON /C TRESHOLD ) is calculated Step 2 - For each category (I-IV), a Chemical Score ( CS ) is calculated ( C1: CS W ; CII: CS S ; CIII: CS B and CIV: CS BE ): Step 3 – Each category (I-IV) is classified in five classes ( High, Good, Moderate, Poor and Bad ) Step 4 – Category-specific classifications are combined ( using the lowest ranging classification cf. the OO-AO principle ) into a final classification of ‘chemical status’ ( in 5 classes )

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October CHASE 2.0: Conceptual model Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Preliminary results What have we done in the Danish case study: We took Danish monitoring data from We used the CHASE 2.0 tool in combination with new Target Values/EQC and the above data We carried out matrix- specific classifications of ‘chemical status’

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October The full picture: An integrated but preliminary classification of ‘chemical status’ in Danish marine waters:

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Lessons learned We are only testing – not doing assessments … QC/QA’ed data sets are a prerequisite – even with a well-known data set we faced some problems … We managed to carry out the classification of chemical status and to identify ‘problem areas’ as well as ‘non- problems areas’ … Hence, we have demonstrated how to make use of ‘chemical data’ similar to those included in EMODnet Chemistry …

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Planned next steps We are now in the process of: Writing a short Technical Report based on the Danish case study (including a description of the tool, the data used and lessons learned) Planning to test the tool in 4 pilot areas based on EMODnet Chemistry data sets Considering how to carry out a test based on all available and relevant EMODnet Chemistry data In addition, we have plans for updating CHASE, but this will done outside of EMODnet Chemistry …

Denmark Oostende, Belgium EMODnet Jamboree 20 – 22 October Any tricky questions?