CJ 266 Deviance and Violence Seminar 1
Welcome to CJ266: Deviance and Violence Instructor: Aline Major
SEMINAR OVERVIEW Welcome Contact information Course Overview and Expectations Course Assignments Seminar/Discussion Board Guidelines Unit 2 Written Assignment Seminar Topic: Crime Reporting and Data Collection
INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION Office Hours Wednesday 8–10 pm EST My “office” is AIM instant message system ( AIM name: MajorCJ2005 “Virtual Office” on course home page Please put your name, course number and section number in the subject line
CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT Phone: Online Chat: "Live Tech Help" link located on bottom right-hand side of the main KU Campus page (under Technical Support).
ACCESSING YOUR E-BOOK Use this dropdown menu to select the E-Book
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Weekly Seminar—Wednesdays 10 pm Unit Quizzes Writing Assignments—Units 2, 4 and 8 Midterm Essay Exam Final Essay Exam
SEMINAR GUIDELINES 1) Participation in live seminar * enter on time * actively participate throughout session * reference unit material * interact with peers and instructor 2) Alternate assignment * address topic reflecting view of seminar transcript * 1-2 pages * proper grammar, spelling and organization * due within 1 week from missed seminar
DISCUSSION BOARD GUIDELINES Postings demonstrate critical thought Main posts are in the 100-word range, At least 3 postings made per discussion question – 1. main post to answer the question and – 2. two responses to another student’s posting, All postings are made prior to the conclusion of each unit and on three or more days throughout the unit, Postings are checked for spelling and grammar ***Please do not post prior to the opening of a unit. If you want to work ahead, save your work in a Word document and then paste it into the Discussion board once the unit opens.
Unit 2 Written Assignment Selin & Wolfgang offer five victim typologies. List and define, in your own words, each of these victim typologies. Identify the difference between criminology and victimology by selecting a current news article from either a newspaper or magazine and relate this article to either victimology or criminology. This assignment should be 3-4 pages.
Victimology vs. Criminology: What is the difference?
Victimology--the study of crime victims and their relationship to offenders and the criminal justice system. Criminology--concerns the etiology of crime and criminal behavior
DATA COLLECTION: HOW IS CRIME MEASURED? Uniform Crime Report National Crime Victimization Survey
THE UNIFORM CRIME REPORT Conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Includes offenses reported to law enforcement agencies Covers “index crimes”
LIMITATIONS OF THE UCR Dark Figure of Crime Offender/Arrest information Human Error (Input) and Manipulation (Reporting) Hierarchy Rule
NATIONAL CRIME VICTIMIZATION SURVEY Conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Includes data obtained from surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau interviewers Covers rape, robbery, assault, burglary, personal and household larceny, and motor vehicle theft.
Are these statistics reliable and valid?
WRAP UP Any Questions/Concerns? I look forward to working with each of you this term! Next Seminar Topic:. School and Workplace Violence