BRIDGE LESSONS Welcome Teacher: Your Name Here Telephone: © Copyright Reserved New Zealand Bridge Inc Prepared by Amanda Smith
Lesson Six Responder’s Rebid
Ranking of the Suits No Trumps S pades H earts D iamonds C lubs MAJOR suits MINOR suits
Finding a Fit A Fit is 8+ cards in one suit between the two hands If there is a fit in a major suit, then this will be the trump suit If there is no fit, then choose No Trumps
Basic Rules for Opening bids You must have enough High Card Points 12-19
Basic Rules for Responder’s bids You must have enough High Card Points 6 or more ½ the amount of points you need to open
FIRST CHOICE: Support Partner’s suit Minimum (6-9) … bid at the 2 level Nearly game (10-12) … bid at the 3 level Game (13+) … bid at the Game level These are limit bids … they are NOT FORCING
SECOND CHOICE: Bid your own suit Bid your own suit at the one level if you can OR With 10 + points AND 5+ cards in the suit, bid your own suit at the two level These bids are unlimited … … they are FORCING … partner MUST bid again
THIRD CHOICE: Bid No Trumps Minimum (6-9) … bid 1NT Nearly game (10-12) … bid 2NT Game (13-15) … bid 3NT These are limit bids … they are NOT FORCING
Basic Rules for Responder’s Rebid This is most likely to be the final bid of the auction Responder has 2 decisions to make: Choice of suit or No Trumps Choice of level
Basic Rules for Responder’s Rebid Give preference to one of partner’s suits … preferably a major Bid No Trumps with no fit and some strength in the unbid suit(s) Rebid own 6+ suit AND AT THE SAME TIME Describe the quality of your hand MINIMUM, NEARLY GAME or GAME
What is the correct level? It depends on what partner has shown GAME CLOSE TO GAME MINIMUM
IF PARTNER HAS SHOWN MINIMUM Minimum If you are MINIMUM (6-9); pass or 1NT or suit preference at lowest level If you are CLOSE TO GAME (10-12); invite If you have GAME (13+) values; bid to game ADD your points to partner’s points to choose the level
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 2 Responder 1 Responder PASS
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 2 Responder 1 Responder 2
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 2 Responder 1NT Responder 2
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 1NT Responder 1 Responder 3NT
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 2 Responder 2 Responder 3
IF PARTNER HAS SHOWN CLOSE TO GAME Close to Game If you are MINIMUM (6 – 7 points); pass or; suit preference at lowest level Otherwise … bid GAME ADD your points to partner’s points to choose the level
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 3 Responder 1 Responder PASS
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 3 Responder 1 Responder 4
Responder’s Rebid Opener 1 Opener 2NT Responder 1 Responder 3NT
IF PARTNER HAS SHOWN GAME VALUES 18 – 19 GAME Bid GAME ( points) Consider SLAM (14+ points) ADD your points to partner’s points to choose the level
PLAYING TIPS Ruffing in Dummy
Play of the Hand – Trump Contracts Draw trumps first Remember to count how many trumps are left out STOP drawing trumps when: Only the highest trump is left OR Your Opponents trumps have run out BUT … There is an EXCEPTION
Play of the Hand – Trump Contracts If dummy has a shortage in a side suit you may be able to score extra tricks by ruffing with dummy’s trumps THIS MEANS YOU CAN’T DRAW ALL TRUMPS STRAIGHT AWAY
BRIDGE LESSONS Teacher: Your Name Here Telephone: Please contact me if you have any questions