INTRODUCTION WOMEN POLICE NETWORK Collaborate to Promote women in Police Support women in Distress
NATURE OF NETWORKS Network is different from organization Represent the interests of members Flexible, flat and non- hierarchical means of interaction Created in response to certain challenges and opportunities Stimulate and facilitate action Promote collaboration, communication, consensus building, innovation, institutional and policy change and personal and professional growth
RATIONALE Create professional development space for policewomen to think through their own and women in distress needs and work towards practical strategies to deal with challenges of: Commitment, culture, resource & practice constraints within police Individual capacity gaps Limited women’s strength in police Under representation of women at senior level Reporting, dealing and investigating cases of violence against women
NETWORK AIMS Enhance the networking and learning opportunities to promote women’s positioning in police service Facilitate gender just policing practices especially on issues of crimes against women
OBJECTIVES Inspire women police officers to collectively think & act to enhance their role and recognition within the Police Raise awareness and understanding of the issues affecting women within the police service Contribute to professional development of women officers and have their perspective on policing matters Promote and support attitudinal & procedural change towards handling crimes against women Facilitate women police liaison with community to better understand the security needs of women for enhanced services Act as the Pakistan Chapter of GRPN
SCOPE AND STRUCTURE WPN operates at two levels : National : 2 senior representatives from each police organizations (Islamabad, Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, KP, AJK, GB, Motorways, Railways and FIA) to constitute a Board of WPN including women ASPs Organizational: policewomen to become members of Women Police Council at the individual police organizational level from across the geographical spread
WOMEN POLICE COUNCIL At the level of police organization with all women staff as its general members Each organizational Council will have 6-10 focal persons from all ranges (Women ASPs shall be part of the council) One of the members (senior most) fulfilling WPN Board criteria to chair the WPC and represent the Council at national level Criteria for selection of focal members of WPC include: preferably BA, 5 years of experience including 2 years in the field and strong interest and willingness to work for the Council
WOMEN POLICE COUNCIL Hold quarterly meetings chaired by the Council’s chairperson Meeting minutes recorded on rotational basis by two designated members of the Council Share minutes with respective IGPs & supervisors with a copy to the WPN Board and NPB Head of the organization (IGPs) or a senior officer designated by the IGPs (preferably an Addl IGP) to chair a quarterly meeting once a year Perform the tasks on the pattern of WPN, however, focus to remain on specific organizational needs
BOARD OF WPN Chair & Co-Chair of Women Police Councils (WPCs) shall become Directors of WPN Board based on below criteria: Willingness to give concrete input and time to the WPN activitiesEducation :preferably BA or equivalentWork Experience: years of total police serviceField Experience: of which 3 years in the field Mandatory trainings: preferably completed 3 mandatory courses
BOARD OF WPN: TASKS Representing the professional interests of women staff from their organizations Planning and organizing capacity building and awareness raising activities Mentoring newly inducted women staff Lobbying for policy actions with the senior management Developing plans for sensitive handling of gender based crimes Hold quarterly meetings to plan activities and provide guidance to Councils Building alliances within police and establishing linkages with stakeholders (community, NGOs, referral organizations etc.) for enhanced functioning and sensitive policing processes
KEY FUNCTIONS Capacity Development (skill training and core competencies development) Awareness Raising (seminars, orientation sessions, campaigns) Sharing Best Practices (conferences & publications ) ( Lobbying for Policy Actions (discussion forums); and Linkages (interaction with community and related stakeholders)
ROLE AS NETWORK LEADERS Show Passion Show Passion – passion to lead the process of networking, create space for others to join in, develop collective thinking, demonstrate skills to effectively plan, manage, communicate, motivate, negotiate, monitor, mentor and influence
STEER THE PROCESS OF NETWORKING Bring members together- Educate on the value of networking - Seek ideas - Organize activities - Document & disseminate information - Keep seniors informed & secure support
WORK TOWARD OBJECTIVES - Know what the network wants to achieve - Understand issues - Discuss & set priorities - Communicate & facilitate members to contribute - Agree on strategies to address issues
FOCUS ON CAPACITIES - Identify capacities to strengthen the network - Work on developing those capacities within then network and of women police as its members
PROMOTE PARTNERSHIPS - Develop linkages on gender and policing both within and outside – with community organizations, NGOs, women police networks