Unfortunately, most of us go through the day like this.
Prefrontal cortex (the boss) Left Brain (logic) Right Brain (emotion)
You can’t make good decisions in a mental state of frenzy worry anger or frustration.
Mental discipline = interrupting the story.
Staying in the home zone is the practice of bringing clarity and concentration to your moment-by- moment experience.
Who are you in the space? StimulusResponse Conscious Pausing
The Four Questions For Coming Down the Ladder 1. What am I noticing right now? 2. Can I make space for it? 3. Can I touch this with kindness? 4. What is the next right action?
Pausing brings you back to the present where you choose your response. Stimulus Response HOME ZONE
Every interaction is a touchpoint.
Peace. It doesn’t mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be amid those things, and still be calm in your heart.