Get Organized! Tips to Keep Your Lab and Simulations Running Smoothly Mark Johanneck UW Health Clinical Simulation Program, Madison, WI
Disclosures Mark Johanneck has no financial relationships with entities producing healthcare and/or simulation-related goods and services.
Session Goals Gain ideas on how to effectively plan a simulation case Gain ideas on how to organize equipment in the simulation lab Gain ideas on how to ensure all lab staff can set up for a simulation with confidence Generate discussion among participants on issues and solutions within their own labs
Organizational Model Medical School UW Simulation Program Hospital Practitioner Plan
Projection of 2015 Overall Growth FY 14 vs. Forecast FY 15 Average Growth (FY 12-13): Learner ~10 % Event ~44 %
Activities and Participants 1,146 Events / 8,500 Learners
Manikin Set up
Generate discussion among participants on issues and solutions within their own labs
Thank You! Contact Information: Mark Johanneck – -Simulation Specialist
Extra Slides
Example of Completed Event Floor Map for ATLS Course