Welcome 5 th Grade Curriculum Night September 24, 2013 Mr. DeeMath/Science Mrs. McDowellELA/Social Studies Mrs. ReedMath Mrs. DunbarScience Mrs. QuaglieriELA/Social Studies Mrs. TenEyckMath/Science Mrs. PalislamovicELA/Social Studies
5 th Grade Schedule Lunch is from 12:25 to 12:55Lunch is from 12:25 to 12:55 Conference time is from 12:55-1:48Conference time is from 12:55-1:48
Communication Planners Planners Webpages: check frequentlyWebpages: check frequently / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school. / Phone: Our contact information is on the webpage. Due to the district filter, if you do not receive a response to an within 24 hours, please call the school. Changes in transportation can be ed to in transportation can be ed to
Student Agenda Expectations (Planner) Planner filled in daily by student and signed by teacherPlanner filled in daily by student and signed by teacher Student will record goals, assignments, and homeworkStudent will record goals, assignments, and homework Parent communication- Parents may note a transportation change in the plannerParent communication- Parents may note a transportation change in the planner
STUDENT ABSENCES Please notify the front office and/or homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Please notify the front office and/or homeroom teacher by . Front office or you can homeroom teachers directly. Make-up work can be requested if a child has been absent for more than two days. Parents may call or the front office before 9:00 a.m. to request their child’s homework on the second day of an absence. The make-up work will be available at the front desk at 3:20 p.m. Work will not be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends. Make-up work can be requested if a child has been absent for more than two days. Parents may call or the front office before 9:00 a.m. to request their child’s homework on the second day of an absence. The make-up work will be available at the front desk at 3:20 p.m. Work will not be sent home with siblings, neighbors, or friends.
Organization of Student Materials 3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework3 Ring Binder goes home nightly with planner and homework
Homework will be written in planner District Policy for formative and summative grades: “Grading Guidelines”
Grades: Communication & Access 3 week progress reports 6 week report cards Access in E-School Plus through NISD website. Please let Jennifer Jantz know if you need a login for HAC/Home Access Center
DisciplineLove&Logic Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices.
Language Arts Reading Workshop- During the reading workshop, students will focus on reading strategies, novel studies, independent reading, guided reading, and reading response. Writing Workshop- Students will focus on the writing process while working on expanding and supporting their writing ideas. Mrs. McDowell Mrs. P
We expect that all students are reading at least 20 minutes a night and recording onto their take home reading log. 5th grade students will earn a sticker on their class chart for the following amount of books completed: 1 Sticker = One 5th Grade Level Chapter Book (approx. 150 pages) (two graphic novels will be allowed to count for the challenge) 1 Sticker= 4 picture books They must record the books on their Million word challenge log. Checkpoint 1: Each student will earn at least 10 stickers by November 21 h. Checkpoint 2: Each student will earn at least 15 stickers by January 5 th. Checkpoint 3: Each student will earn at least 25 stickers by March 23 th. Checkpoint 4: Each student will earn at least 30 stickers by May 8 th.
Social Studies Mrs. Palislamovic Mrs. McDowell It’s All About United States History!!! Geography Citizenship Government History Economics Culture Technology Social studies will be incorporated into the language arts curriculum
Where can you find the standards for each subject area? You can select the “t” from the a-z menu. Select the “Texas Essential of Knowledge and Skills” Select specific grade level
Volunteering Complete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the officeComplete the PTA volunteer form available online or in the office Background check / forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly)Background check / forms from office and on Beck website (background checks need to be updated yearly) Watch Dog Dad ProgramWatch Dog Dad Program