Helmingham Community Primary School Assessment Information Evening 10 February 2016
What is assessment? “ Assessment is the judgement teachers make about a child’s attainment, based on knowledge gained through techniques such as observation, questioning, marking and testing.” OFSTED We believe that effective assessment is integral to high quality teaching and learning. It helps ensure that our teaching is appropriate and that learners are making at least expected progress. We give our children regular feedback on their learning so that we can celebrate success and ensure they understand what it is that they need to do to improve. This allows us to base our teaching on a detailed knowledge of the children. Assessment and Reporting Policy (2015)
Why do we assess? To enable our children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do in their work. To help our children understand what they need to do next to improve their work. To allow teachers to plan work that accurately reflects the needs of the children. To provide termly information for parents that enables them to support their child’s learning, provide information about how their child and the school is performing. To provide the Head teacher and Governors with information that allows them to make judgements about the effectiveness of the school. Assessment and Reporting Policy (2015)
How do we assess? Agreed marking and feedback procedures that include the pupil and time given to respond to marking, verbal feedback. (Marking Policy) Agreed and informed setting of targets, to be agreed by the class teacher with consideration being given to Assessment for Learning. Observation of work and children both inside and outside the classroom. Oral questioning and recording of answers. Through observation of problem solving and specific investigations. By application of specific tests i.e. DfE assessment requirements. Assessment and Reporting Policy (2015)
Early Years/Reception O Baseline assessment was introduced in September O 2015 Trial year. O From 2016 whole school progress will be measures from the Baseline score. O We used NFER Baseline. O Children are assessed against all areas e.g. language and number. O Overall score is reported to DfE. O These scores will be compared to National.
Year 1 O Statutory Phonic check O 40 words and non words. O Pass or fail. O Pass mark is released after scores are sent to DfE.
Years 3, 4 and 5 O No statutory assessments. O No longer optional assessments available. O Use the strategies from our school policy. O Make judgements against the age related. expectations as in the National Curriculum.
Interim Assessment Frameworks O Year 2 and 6 teacher assessment is against criteria set out in the Interim Assessment Frameworks. O Set out standards a pupil will be assessed against. O They don’t include full coverage of the curriculum. They focus on key aspects for assessment. O To demonstrate that pupils have met a standard, teachers will need to have evidence that a pupil demonstrates consistent attainment of all the statements within the standards and all the statements in any preceding statement(s).
Year 2 - Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment O In reading, writing and mathematics children will be grouped O Working towards the expected standard O Working at the expected standard O Working at greater depth within the expected standard or O A category for pupils who do not meet the working towards expected standard. O In science there are 2 categories O Working at the expected standard or O Not meeting the expected standard
Year 2 – Key Stage 1 SAT’s O All tests will be in May. O There are tests for O Grammar, punctuation and spelling (3 papers) O Reading (2 papers) O Maths (2 papers - Arithmetic and Reasoning and no tools to help) O The tests will not be strictly timed. O Writing is based on a collection of the child’s work throughout the year. O Science is judged on work done during the year. O Tests are marked in school and judgements moderated by the LA. O Overall judgement is based on teacher assessment using test scores to inform judgements.
Year 6 - Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment O In reading and maths there is 1 category O Working at the expected standard O In writing there are 3 categories O Working towards the expected standard O Working at the expected standard O Working at greater depth within the expected standard O In science there is 1 category O Working at the expected standard
Year 6 – Key Stage 2 SAT’s O Set week (9 May) O Will comprise of O Reading (60 mins) O Spelling (15 mins) O Punctuation, Vocabulary and Grammar (45 mins) O Mathematics O Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 mins) O Paper 2: Reasoning (40 mins) O Paper 3: Reasoning (40 mins) O Some schools will be asked to take part in science testing O All tests are externally marked O Writing is ‘Teacher Assessed’ as in previous years and KS1
Sample Grammar questions
Sample reading questions
Sample Questions O Mathematics - Arithmetic
And more……
What will be reported in year 6? O No longer levels O Scaled scores will be used. O 100 will always be the ‘national standard’. O Convert the marks a child gets in to a score on the scale. O A child who achieves the ‘national standard’ (a score of 100) will judged to have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests. O In July 2016 each pupil will receive: O A raw score (the number of marks). O A scaled score in each subject. O Confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard.
How can you help? O Outstanding attendance and punctuality O Support at home with homework, reading, spelling and times tables. O Liaise with school if you have any issues or concerns at any point. O Reassure your child that we want them to do their best but there is also more to there school life and there is nothing to worry about.