Welcome to the Professional Development School Workshop Day 2
Reflect on Day 1 and PDS Standard One Summer 2010 Introduction
PDS Standard Three
Critical Content Power of Two - Article Summer 2010 Introduction
Mid-Morning Break Summer 2010 Introduction
Share out PDS Standard 3 Reflect and Revise Summer 2010 Introduction
PDS Standard Five Structures, Resouces and Roles Summer 2010 Introduction
Critical Content PDS Handbook Summer 2010 Introduction
Roles and Responsibilities Summer 2010 Introduction
Standard 5 discussion Read Kansas PDS standard 5 Read Kansas PDS standard 5 Read through Standard 5 rubric. Where is your building along the continuum? Read through Standard 5 rubric. Where is your building along the continuum? Read through the following resources: Read through the following resources: Maryland Professional Development school implementation manual-excerpted pages Maryland Professional Development school implementation manual-excerpted pages PDS handbook—excerpted pages PDS handbook—excerpted pages Draft job descriptions Draft job descriptions
DURING LUNCH DISCUSSION: With pen in hand, discuss the job descriptions provided (Contact Teacher, Cooperating Teacher, Liaison). What suggestions/deletions/additions do you recommend? With pen in hand, discuss the job descriptions provided (Contact Teacher, Cooperating Teacher, Liaison). What suggestions/deletions/additions do you recommend? Action plan discussion: Action plan discussion: Be prepared to contribute to the large group discussion regarding Standard 5 action plan. We will target elements: Be prepared to contribute to the large group discussion regarding Standard 5 action plan. We will target elements: Establish Governance and support structures Establish Governance and support structures Create PDS roles Create PDS roles Use effective communication Use effective communication Remember: You may have some activities already listed in Standard 1 or Standard 3 that will also apply to this standard. It is okay to duplicate actions across standards. Remember: You may have some activities already listed in Standard 1 or Standard 3 that will also apply to this standard. It is okay to duplicate actions across standards.
Lunch and Table Conversations Summer 2010 Introduction
PDS Standard Five Action Plan Share/Refine Summer 2010 Introduction
Bringing PDS to the Schools with WSU Partnership Summer 2010 Introduction
Nuts and Bolts from our experts. Summer 2010 Introduction
Staff Development Evaluation/Closing Summer 2010 Introduction
Reminders: Printing is available. Please use COE Tech Center 3 Printing is available. Please use COE Tech Center 3 ‘Work in Progress’ documents turned in today will be posted on the WIKI website by Monday, August 9 th for viewing. (received by or pulled from WSU computers) ‘Work in Progress’ documents turned in today will be posted on the WIKI website by Monday, August 9 th for viewing. (received by or pulled from WSU computers) Follow up meeting dates: February 3, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. September 8, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. Follow up meeting dates: February 3, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. September 8, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. WIKI website is: Kim & Amy will be out after October 1 st to train using WIKI. WIKI website is: Kim & Amy will be out after October 1 st to train using WIKI. Please make sure that you have signed in on both days you attended. Please make sure that you have signed in on both days you attended. Please turn in the Registration Form for College Credit. Please turn in the Registration Form for College Credit.
Reminders: Printing is available. Please use COE Tech Center 3 ‘Work in Progress’ documents turned in today will be posted on the WIKI website by Monday, August 9 th for viewing. (received by or pulled from WSU computers) Follow up meeting dates: February 3, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. September 8, 2011 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. WIKI website is: Kim & Amy will be out after October 1 st to train using WIKI. Please make sure that you have signed in on both days you attended. Please turn in the Registration Form for College Credit.