Choosing items from a larger group, when the order does not matter. This is different than permutations in chapter 11.2 – items had to be in a certain order Combinations
Combination formula n = size of the large group r = number of items chosen – not in any particular order From “n” items, choosing “r” at a time:
Using a Calculator for Combinations.
A pizza restaurant offers 14 different toppings for its pizzas. How many different 3-topping pizzas are possible?
The Prom committee will consist of 5 people. If there are 70 seniors, how many different committees are possible?
Permutation or Combination?????? If they have to be in order, use __permutation_______ If the order doesn’t matter, use __combination_________
Classwork Page , #1-10 (determine P or C) and #27-38 – calculate using Combination.