Linear Program MAX C B X B + C NB X NB s.t. BX B + A NB X NB = b X B, X NB ≥ 0
Important LP Equations
Important LP Derivatives
Unbounded Solution
Infeasible Solution
Multiple Optima
Complementary Slackness derived from duality
Reduced Cost Negative derivative of objective function with respect to a variable At optimality: –Zero for all basic variables –Non-negative for all non-basic variables (max) –Non-positive for all non-basic variables (max)
Multi-input, Multi-output
Mixing / Blending
Spatial Equilibrium (GAMS Ex.)
Lexicographic preferences
Weighted Preferences
Well behaved, Separable Function
Disequilibrium – Known Life
Disequilibrium – Unknown Life
Equilibrium ‑ Unknown Life
Fixed Costs
Fixed Capacity
Minimum Habitat Size
Mutual exclusive products
Either-Or-Active constraints
Distinct Variable Values
Badly behaved non-linear functions
Non-linear Programming Specification often straightforward Solving more difficult –scaling (manual vs. computer) –lower bounds to avoid division by zero and other illegal operations –local versus global extremes