Types of Graphs Bar Graphs Line Graphs Pie Graphs Histogram
Bar Graph Def - a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Used for comparing two or more values.
Line Graph Def - A graph that uses points connected by lines to show how something changes in value (as time goes by, or as something else happens).
Pie Graph Def - a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies. It shows parts of a whole.
Histogram Def - Histograms resemble bar charts closely. One main difference is that histograms will normally be shown with the bars touching each other, with no spacing in between, to account for the continuous nature of the data, whereas simple bar charts tend to have spaces to separate the bars. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Which Graph? Given the following sets of data, decide which of the four types of graphs would be most appropriate to display the data.
32% of Americans, 12% of Lithuanians, 21% of Germans, 27% of Spaniards, and 8% of others have gained more than 30 pounds in the past four years. What would be the best graph to represent this information? Answer: A Pie Graph!
We want to compare the total revenues of five different companies. What would be the best graph to represent this information? Answer: Bar Graph!
We want to compare populations of pandas over the past seven years. What would be the best graph to represent this information? Answer: Line Graph!