What are some reasons why you would pack up your belongings and move to another country? List 2 and explain
Immigration and Slavery
1600’s-90% of migrants were from England ½ of those were indentured servants Poor immigrants who traded passage to colonies for 7 yrs of work After 1660-English immigrants start decreasing-England’s Economy gets better, religious conflicts diminish. People choosing to stay in England
3 Waves 1 st came from Scottish Lowlands 2 nd came from Scottish Highlands 3 rd - province of Ulster in Northern Ireland 250,000 Scotch Irish came to colonies Settled in “Back Country” in Pennsylvania to Carolina
Immigrants Mostly Protestant From Rhine Valley in SW Germany War, taxes, and religious persecution sent Germans to Colonies Pennsylvania was ideal place for Germans because almost no taxes collected
1600’s Indentured Servants used as labor; late 1600’s a new labor source is needed In beginning slaves treated like indentured servants but 1705 changed that 1705-Virginia General Assembly-declared all servants imported to be slaves
Most were captured in war or by armed men Triangular Trade 1 st Leg-Europeans traded goods for slaves in West Africa 2 nd Leg-Middle Passage-Took slaves from Africa to Colonies 3 rd Leg- Traded slaves to colonies for goods and returned to Europe
New England/Middle Colonies-small percentage of slaves South-majority of slaves; worked on plantations growing tobacco, rice, indigo, or sugar African American population made up large parts of the population in the south
Rebellion and runaways was happening Largest Rebellion-South Carolina Slaves killed 20 whites before defeat Maroons-runaways who hid in forests or swamps Spanish welcomed runaways to Florida To weaken British Colonies Some Africans obtained Freedom Phillis Wheatley-wrote poems-1 st African American to publish book in 1767-was granted freedom by owner in 1773