DANGLING AND MISPLACED MODIFIERS. A Misplaced Modifier is placed too close to some other word that it does not intend to modify: I only speak one language.


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Presentation transcript:


A Misplaced Modifier is placed too close to some other word that it does not intend to modify: I only speak one language. All you ever do is speak one language?

Revise misplaced modifiers by placing the modifier next to its headword: I speak only one language.

Dangling Modifiers are words or phrases which “dangle” because they have no word in the sentence to describe: While taking a shower, the doorbell rang. The doorbell was taking a shower?

Revise dangling modifiers by adding a headword—a noun or pronoun that is described: While I was taking a shower, the doorbell rang. OR While taking a shower, I heard the doorbell ring.

Split Infinitives are misplaced modifiers which are placed between the preposition to and the verb in an infinitive--a grammatical unit consisting of the word to plus a verb (to eat, to sleep, etc.): Dentists encourage children to regularly brush their teeth. The modifier regularly is splitting the infinitive to brush.

Revise split infinitives by moving the modifier to another part of the sentence: Dentists encourage children to brush their teeth regularly.

Squinting Modifiers are misplaced modifiers which seem to modify two words: Patty who was walking quickly reached the club. Is Patty walking quickly, or is she quickly reaching the club?

Revise squinting modifiers by changing the word order so there is no ambiguity: Patty, who was quickly walking, reached the club. OR Patty who was walking reached the club quickly.

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LET’S PRACTICE A LITTLE MORE!!! In group situations, the people who participate sometimes can be annoying when they don’t know what they are doing. …who participate can sometimes be annoying… It is the citizens’ right to openly criticize the government without fear of being harassed. …right to criticize the government openly without fear of being harassed.