This term our topic is: ‘People who help us’ Write down anything your child has found out about in their home school book. We will be reading non-fiction books about fire stations, police stations etc. Sing nursery rhymes with your child, you can find these on youtube. Read with your child every night and sign the reading log every time you read. Practise writing numbers and letters, especially writing name. Stay and Play everyday 9:00 -9:30 Please bring book bag every day. Homework is due every Friday. Make sure you read with your child every night. During stay and play please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher about all the fantastic work they have been doing at home. Remember you can fill out a ‘Wow card’ or bring in work from home to add to your child’s folder. Please bring any empty boxes/containers for children to use in make and create. Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) Keep play going by responding to what others say. Accept the needs of others, sharing and taking turns of resources. * show confidence in asking adults for help. Communication and language (CL) Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others (creating role play scenes) Use language to direct and engage in role play activities. Answering questions and asking questions about the people who help us. Understanding the World (UW) Use Ipads, laptops and smart table to complete simple programmes. Remember & talk about experiences with doctors/ hospitals, police, fire brigade or anyone else who may have helped us. Expressive Art and Design (EAD) Engage in imaginative role play. Use resources to make appropriate props to support role play. Use particular colours for a purpose Use our words in imaginative role play working alongside our friends to make up a story. Literacy (L) Reading non-fiction books about doctors, nurses, police, firemen and other people who help us Write cards, letters, postcards and class books. Talk about characters, events, settings in stories and use words to explain and question. Use our new sounds to make marks and write. Mathematics (M) Recognising numerals 1-10 and beyond Use language of ‘more’ and ‘less’ *Using number rhymes to count on one more and one less. * Identify and talk about 3d shapes Realising not only objects can be counted. We count jumps, claps etc. Use and understand positional language. Physical Development (PD) Using tools to draw, write, build, and explore play dough. Shows understanding for the need for safety when attempting new challenges. Transport and store equipment safely Experiment with different ways of moving. Words we will be using: Police, firemen, station, doctors, nurses, lifeguards, ambulance, vets, postmen, taxi drivers, mothers, fathers, Role play and real life links Role play doctors, police and fire station Talk about how people help us and how we help other people Have Police and firemen visit the school. Talk about how we help other people and who helps us. Have people from the community visit (police & firemen) Police and firemen visiting the school. Any parents who work in a career which helps people, please talk to the teacher.