The steps and tricks below can help you spell some difficult words.
LOOK AT THE WORD. What does it mean? How is it spelled? Do you see any word parts that you know?
SAY THE WORD. What sounds do you hear? Are there any silent letters? Is it spelled like how it sounds?
SPELL THE WORD OUT LOUD. Do you notice any patterns?
COPY THE WORD. Did you copy all the letters correctly?
COVER, WRITE, AND CHECK THE WORD. Did you spell the word correctly?
SPELLING TRICKS Take a word that you are having trouble spelling, and try the following strategies to help you remember it.
DIVIDE IT Divide the tricky word into smaller parts. Learn each part separately. Example in-de-pen-dent
MAKE UP YOUR OWN PRONUNCIATION Say the tricky word in a way that will help you remember how it is spelled. Just remember not to pronounce the word this way in conversation! Example –True pronunciation: ed-i-ter –Made-up pronunciation: ed-i-tor
PAIR IT UP Pair the tricky word with a shorter, related word that gives a sound clue. Example – depend → independent
STUDY THE PROBLEM PART Find the part of the tricky word that gives you problems and study it extra hard. Example – editor
THINK OF A SENTENCE Link the tricky word with a word that has the same problem letters. Example – My independent sister put a dent in my car.
THINK OF OTHER FORMS Think of other forms of the word where you can better hear the problem letters in the word. Example – editor → editorial
USE RHYME Find a rhyming word that you know that is spelled the same at the end. Example – Independent rhymes with rent.