Block 6: White Board Block 6: White Board Selen-- Sitney Gene--James-- Isael Sequiyia—Michael-- Marisol Felecia—Daniel-- Layla Malaysia--Miranda -- Alejandro Alejandro –Angel C Angel R—Anthony-- Deja Azuree--Glendi
Block 7 seating Chart White Board Miya Jon Alan Richard Shenida Demetrius Joseph Troy Ozzy Mario Aziel Kylee Mandi Dante Ramon Cameron James Alvaro
Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve today? *One point for each core-value (5 points possible each day). I reserve the right to change these grades. S = Self-Controlled M = Motivated A = Accountable R = Respectful T = Timely Each day YOU will decide the grade you deserve.*
Do Now (5 min) How are rhetorical appeals (persuasive techniques) used to influence an audience?
Learning Focus and Elements of an Argument Activity 1.17
1.Do Now (5 min) 2.Objectives (1 min) 3.Read Learning Focus (5 min) 4.Define: Elements of an Argument (5 min) 5.Identify: Elements of an Argument (15 min) 6.MLK Jr. I Have A Dream(20 min) 7.Closing (1 min) 8.Exit Slip (5 min) 9.Participation Grades (3 min) Agenda
Objectives (2 min) Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Listening to and notating a Student Example and the I Have A Dream speech Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Analyze and create a persuasive text
Learning Focus (5 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Explain the Learning Focus of Unit 1 Part 2 Reading and annotating the Learning Focus Underline the main ideas How are Rhetorical Appeals used to influence an audience?
Define: Elements of an Argument (5 min) Please write these definitions in your vocabulary notebook Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze and create a persuasive text Listening to and notating a student Example and the I Have A Dream speech
Identify: Elements of an Argument (15 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze and create a persuasive text Listening to and notating a student Example and the I Have A Dream speech Find the: -Hook -Claim -Concessions -Refutations -Support - Summary/Cal l to Action
MLK Jr. I Have A Dream(20 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze and create a persuasive text Listening to and notating a student Example and the I Have A Dream speech eeches/mlkihavea dream.htm
Closing (1 min) Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms Did you master the following objectives? Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Listening to and notating a Student Example and the I Have A Dream speech Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Analyze and create a persuasive text
Exit Slip (5 min) Which element of an argument do you think is the most important element? Why?
Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve today? *One point for each core-value (5 points possible each day). I reserve the right to change these grades. S = Self-Controlled M = Motivated A = Accountable R = Respectful T = Timely Each day YOU will decide the grade you deserve.*