New Vision Council April 29, 2010 Dr. Barbara Howard, Vice President Academic & Student Affairs and Dick Scott, Vice President for Business Affairs
2 BAS Programs Exploration in two program areas: Nursing Early Childhood Education
3 Why are these viable for LSCC? Student Interest Workforce Demand Credentialed Faculty Serves Local District Existing Facilities
4 Mitigating Factors to Consider High Cost of Nursing Program Finding Qualified Faculty Workforce Demand in the Short- term is not Promising Existing On-line Programs Current Partnership with UCF’s Early Childhood Program
5 Planning Process Considerations: Board of Education Approval College’s mission Survey of key stakeholders Review of labor market data Meetings with four-year institutions Budget planning Facilities renovation SACS notification NLN & State Board of Nursing notification Curriculum development Faculty searches Marketing
6 Where do we go from here….? Program Implementation SACS Florida Board of Education Internal Planning & LSCC Board Approval New Vision Council