electronic mail ( )
s are letters written on a computer and sent through the internet.
is a great way to communicate with people that you or your family know.
Enjoy s from your grandmother…
Your whole family…
even your goofy relatives.
You might get an from someone at school…
or a business.
There are many different providers,
such as Comcast, Verizon, Yahoo, and AOL.
Providers deliver s to your computer for a monthly fee.
I-Buddy has sent you an through my service provider!
Just as you would not talk to strangers in the community, you should not talk to strangers on the internet.
A stranger is someone that you and your parents don’t know.
Are all strangers bad?
NO! A few weeks ago, I was a stranger to you!
Your parent, or the person who cares for you, must decide who will get to know you.
Sometimes strangers on the internet do not tell the truth. They might be trying to trick you for some reason!
You might get an from a person who says they are a 9-year-old from Dover when it really is from a bad stranger.
DO NOT open s from people that you do not know!
Why not?
An can make your computer sick!
A sad story: One day I-Buddy was playing a game on the computer at his house,
when all of the sudden, nothing worked. (Bummer)
When his game stopped working, he tried clicking the mouse, but nothing happened.
Then he tried pushing buttons, but nothing happened. Then the picture went away.
i-Buddy called for his mom, and when she came in she tried clicking the mouse too, but nothing happened. Ahhh, man!
i-Buddy asked his mom what was wrong but she didn’t know.
The next day they had to have a computer repair man come to the house.
The repair man had bad news.
The computer had a virus that had infected the computer.
i-Buddy just didn’t understand. The computer repairman explained to him that his computer was very sick.
A computer virus is a type of computer program.
A computer program is what makes the computer do things, like the game that i-Buddy was playing.
The game was a good type of program.
A virus is a bad kind of computer program. It makes the computer “sick”.
A virus can destroy good programs. It might make the computer stop working all together!
The repairman said the computer got a virus from an .
A virus can hide in an . It comes out of hiding when you click on it!
Are people who send computer viruses good cyber citizens?
Sending a computer virus is the same as attacking someone’s computer with a hammer!
How do keep your computer safe from viruses? ????????
Ask an adult before opening messages.
Be a hero for your computer and your whole family!