HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS = Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HIV is the virus that causes AIDS AIDS is when your immune system is
Where did HIV come from? Mutation in virus found in Chimpanzees in Africa. Most likely passed to humans through hunting and exposure to infected blood. Source: CDC
How does HIV turn into AIDS The HIV virus destroys certain blood cells. It takes several years for enough blood cells to be destroyed before we call a person as “having AIDS”. This is when the immune system cannot protect the body from sicknesses, infections, and cancer.
No HIV HIV positive AIDS
How can I tell if I have HIV? Best way is to get a blood test Blood test will look for the HIV antibodies in your blood The antibodies may not show up until 6 months after getting infected
How do you get HIV? HIV lives in 4 body fluids: 1. Blood 2. Semen 3. Vaginal Secretions 4. Breast Milk Having sex (vaginal, oral, anal) with someone with HIV Sharing needles Pregnant women to their baby
You cannot get HIV from: Kissing, hugging, holding hands Sharing cups, forks, telephones Using the same bathroom or swimming pool Mosquito bites or animal bites Being in the same room
As of 2001, nearly 1,000,000 in the USA have are infected with the HIV virus 1/3 of them do not know they have it! Worldwide: 42,000,000 people are infected with HIV
How many people have HIV or AIDS? Since 1981, 470,000 people have died in the USA from AIDS Since 1981, almost 1,000,000 have AIDS in the USA In 2001, 43,000 new HIV infections in the USA
What does AIDS do to the body? A fever that won't go away Sweating while you sleep Feeling tired all the time Feeling sick all the time Losing weight Swollen glands Mental changes and headaches Severe malnutrition Chronic diarrhea Kaposi's sarcoma skin tumor that looks like dark purple blotches
Treatments for HIV Several combination of drugs Must be taken at the same time every day Treatment will only slow down moving to AIDS There is not cure for HIV or AIDS
How do I keep from getting HIV? Abstinence – no sex (vaginal, oral, anal) If going to have sex, use a latex condom (2% failure rate, mostly due to incorrect use) Do not put yourself in a risky situation Drinking alcohol Use drugs, get high