Interior Angles of Triangles We are learning to…find the measure (in degrees) of missing interior angles in triangles. Sunday, February 21, 2016
Draw an approximate representation of the following angles: 90° Angle (Right Angle) 45° Angle180° Angle (Straight Angle)
Directions For Interior Angles of Triangles Activity: 1. Cut out each of the 3 triangles provided on the resource page. 2. Put a star in each of the interior angles on all 3 triangles. 3. For each triangle cut off the interior angles one at a time. 4. Place the interior angles together (so that the stars are touching) and tape the angles to these notes. 5. Predict the sum of the angle measure of each triangle based on what you observe.
Interior angles of triangles… The sum of the interior angles of any triangle is: 180 ° The sum of the interior angles of any triangle is: 180 °
Find the missing measure of the interior on the triangle below: 130° 20° ?° 20° + 130° = 30°180 – 150° = 150° Try finding the missing interior angles of several triangles with your team!