Procurement and Manufacture of LCLS Undulators FY 04 Activity: Complete design of Second Prototype Undulator This will include field control comb Procure.


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Presentation transcript:

Procurement and Manufacture of LCLS Undulators FY 04 Activity: Complete design of Second Prototype Undulator This will include field control comb Procure Fabrication Engineering to manufacture the second prototype Build to specification. Model of undulator provided to vendor Vendor would perform value engineering on the ANL design, and make recommendations to improve assembly process and cost reductions The intellectual property for these improvements would belong to ANL and will be used for the production quantity One of the critical issues will be quality control Final magnetic measurements and tuning would be done at APS

FY 05 activities: Following measurements and review, complete the design of the production LCLS undulator Procure production quantities of the Ti strongback, magnet blocks, and magnet poles. Blocks and Poles should be delivered in FY 05. Strongback delivery completion is predicted for Dec. 05. Prepare a statement of work to procure the first article of the LCLS undulator Use “long lead procurement” funds Possibly award contracts to two vendors to manufacture first articles After evaluating the first articles, procure the remaining undulators. In the two vendor model, the quantity awarded to the vendor would depend on the productivity and cost demonstrated in the first article The vendors quality assurance plan will be a determining factor in making the award. Initial magnetic measurements and tuning will be done at APS. These measurements will provide calibration for the SLAC facility Construction of the magnetic measurement facility at SLAC should start this fiscal year

FY 06 activities: Award the contract (s) for manufacture of LCLS undulator Total quantity will be 40 including the first articles. Delays in FY 06 funding will hurt the delivery schedule Delivery should start in Feb 06 and continue through July 07. The estimated production rate would be 2 per month. Magnet measurements at SLAC could begin in Mar 06 and continue through Aug 07. The estimated measurement rate is 2 per month. It is forecast that the 33 undulators necessary for LCLS would be measured by May 07.

Resources would be drawn from the Experimental Facilities Engineering and Magnetic Devices Groups: Engineering and Design:Pat Den Hartog Emil Trahktenberg Bran Brajuskovic Mark Erdmann Magnetic Design and:Liz Moog MeasurementsShigemi Sasaki Isaac Vasserman Tom Powers Procurement:Glenn Lawrence Gary Edgell (ANL-Procurement) The assignments would require 100 % commitment for short duration.

Plan to Fabricate the Second Prototype Undulator Complete design changes to First Prototype:Trahktenberg12 weeks Brajuskovic Grabinski Prepare statement of work for Ti forgingLawrence3 weeks magnet blocks, and magnet poles, and procure Delivery of forge:8 weeks After design is complete: Prepare statement of work for Ti machiningLawrence3 weeks and procure Delivery of machined Ti strongback9 weeks Prepare statement of work for FabricationLawrence14 weeks Engineering contract to manufacture the second prototype and procure Delivery of second prototype16 weeks MeasurementsVasserman6 weeks Review1 week

Complete design for Production:Trahktenberg12 weeks Brajuskovic Grabinski Review for production: Prepare statement of work forLawrence3 weeks Ti strongback, magnet blocks, magnet poles, and procure Delivery of magnet blocks:15 weeks Delivery of magnet poles:18 weeks Delivery of strongbacks:37 weeks Prepare statement of work for:Lawrence12 weeks production undulators Plan, review and approval:5 weeks Delivery:86 weeks Measurements at SLAC:80 weeks Plan for Undulator Production

Because of the success of scientists and engineers in the MD and XFE groups in achieving specifications, the LCLS undulators are essentially procurement and quality control problems. There appears to be no technical barrier to achieving requirements for the LCLS FEL. The estimated schedule for procurement, from second prototype through production, does identify time constraints. If continuing resolutions occur in FY 05, the delivery of long lead items is threatened. This could choke undulator manufacture, especially for the Ti strongback. If a continuing resolution occurs in FY 06, the ability of manufacturing to meet the installation schedule is threatened. Procuring fabrication engineering services to manufacture the second prototype creates a problem for procurement of the production quantity. Under DoE acquisition regulations, the vendor that manufactures a prototype is typically excluded from bidding on the production contract. Since there are so few undulator manufacturers, this is a major problem. Discussions are continuing with the contract officer to resolve this barrier.