My vote, Uganda’s future.
INSPIRATION The benefits of voting for example voting is a way of speaking my mind and letting my voice be heard. The ineligible citizens like children are depending on me to represent their voices through voting. According to article 59 subsection 1 of the constitution of the republic of Uganda says every citizen of 18 years and above has a right to vote so I want to remind everyone that they should embrace their right to vote. Writing history. I would love to be among the people who increased the percentage of voter turn up by encouraging everyone to vote and personally participate in voting. The statistics of previous voter turn up. According to the final report of European Union Election Observation Mission on Uganda’s general elections of 2011, out of the 13,954,129 registered voters only 8,272,760 voted that is 59.28%. Ms. Pamela Ankunda (internal Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman) says that 15 million Ugandans will be eligible to vote as of the national ID project whose data base captured Ugandans of 16 years and above in the 2014 mass registration. This left me thinking on how I could participate in increasing the voter turn up percentage besides voting personally. Its then that I decided to do so by inculcating the ideology of everyone's vote counts into the citizens through the slogan “ MY VOTE, UGANDA’S FUTURE”
Why these four words? “ MY VOTE ” this instills a sense of ownership in an individual. “ UGANDA’S FUTURE ” the kind of things one would wish to see in Uganda.
my vote = my voice = my future If one doesn’t vote, they shouldn’t complain about the elected people because bad officials are chosen by good people who do not vote. Every ones vote counts! Some youth say that in our society, on national level, one vote really doesn’t count and this is a wrong perception. Just because one vote doesn’t make a big difference, doesn’t mean that it cant make a small one and sometimes that is enough to win hence the slogan MY VOTE, UGANDA’S FUTURE.
Applications Used in morale boosting. Used on Caps Used on Wrist bands Used on T shirts
You can not win a lottery unless you buy a ticket, buying a ticket isn’t a promise that you will win, but without buying the ticket there is absolutely no chance so if you care about your future, your children’s future and the very basis for which this country exists, you need to vote. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. YOUTH ROCK THE VOTE. MY VOTE, UGANDA’S FUTURE.