How you feel about the suggestion Your gut reactions Your intuitions and hunches Getting upset, being delighted A legitimate outlet for emotion Allows exploration of feelings. The information seeking hat Neutral The facts What information is available? What is relevant? True facts Beliefs (but not guesses) Not giving opinions Not presenting arguments. Positive (based on …) The benefits, the savings, the advantages? Constructive Improving on ideas Proposals Speculative “if …” About effectiveness and getting a job done Making things happen But not blind optimism The errors or pit-falls The risks or dangers involved Logical rationale for not doing something Legal limits Technology limits Critical judgement Legitimizes negativity Separates the logical from the emotional NOT negative feelings!
New ideas and concepts Sudden insights Doing things differently Not logical Provocative triggers Ideas as stepping stones … to where? Explore the absurd Taboos? Now start over and explore alternative ideas. Thinking about the thinking Planning and organising the thinking Managing the focus by calling for the use of other hats Monitoring and reflecting on the thinking processes Drawing conclusions Uses blue hat to shift people in or out of the discussion Others can also offer blue hat comments. How you feel about the suggestion Your gut reactions Your intuitions and hunches Getting upset, being delighted A legitimate outlet for emotion Allows exploration of feelings. The information seeking hat Neutral The facts What information is available? What is relevant? True facts Beliefs (but not guesses) Not giving opinions Not presenting arguments.
New ideas and concepts Sudden insights Doing things differently Not logical Provocative triggers Ideas as stepping stones … to where? Explore the absurd Taboos? Now start over and explore alternative ideas. Positive (based on …) The benefits, the savings, the advantages? Constructive Improving on ideas Proposals Speculative “if …” About effectiveness and getting a job done Making things happen But not blind optimism The errors or pit-falls The risks or dangers involved Logical rationale for not doing something Legal limits Technology limits Critical judgement Legitimizes negativity Separates the logical from the emotional NOT negative feelings! Thinking about the thinking Planning and organising the thinking Managing the focus by calling for the use of other hats Monitoring and reflecting on the thinking processes Drawing conclusions Uses blue hat to shift people in or out of the discussion Others can also offer blue hat comments.