Scoreboard X O Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins Phoebe Halliwell Piper Halliwell Paige Matthews Spider Man Super paper Mario The Hulk Fantastic Four Aqua Teen Hunger Force Super Man 6
1 Who is known as the man of steel?
1 Super Man Home
2 Piper, what catch phrase does the human torch say before he uses his power?
2 He shouts out, Flame on!
3 Paige, What Gave Spider man his powers?
3 A Radio active spider?
4 Super Paper Mario save princess Peach from what Koopa?
4 Bowser?
5 Hulk, finish this Statement: The Power of three…
5 Smash!!! Sorry, We were looking for: The power of Three will set us free
6 Paper Mario, What Creatures From the moon are constantly harassing the Aqua Teens?
6 … Mario? Okay, we were looking for the mooninites Home
7 Fantastic Four, Paige Matthews is Half witch and half what?
7 She is Half Witch and Half Whitelighter
8 Frylock, Master Shake and Meatwad, Who in this game has the power to stop time?
8 Piper Halliwell
9 Super Man, Who has the power to see into the future?
9 Phoebe Halliwell