LifeScience Cluster Krakow Chicago, May 2010 The Place for Life &Science
... and need to foster cooperation The LifeScience Cluster.... Bio-Region Małopolska PresentationPresentation
Malopolska – The Region of Knowledge First place in respect of quality of human resources Second place in respect of service and manufacturing infrastructure Third place in terms of market size Fourth place in Poland in respect of GNP Regional strategy aimed at Knowledge Based Economy Biotechnology and IT set as the priority sectors in Regional Innovation Strategy
Source: fDi, Foreign Direct Investment The cities and regions researched for the report were judged on their performance in the following fields: human resources; economic potential; business friendliness; quality of life; infrastructure; foreign direct investment. The cities and regions researched for the report were judged on their performance in the following fields: human resources; economic potential; business friendliness; quality of life; infrastructure; foreign direct investment.
4 universities and other 28 higher education institutions - over students (> 10 % of total number in Poland) 9,4% domestic expenditures on R&D / 200 % country average / second place in Poland 13 % of total number of scientists in Poland 3700 scientists working field of life sciences: over 600 profesors, over 2000 phd level students in the field of life sciences 13 amongst 30 polish most often cited scientists in the field are from Krakow and 8 of them from Jagiellonian University Bio Region Malopolska - science
Bio Region Malopolska - business sector CompanySectorProduct range PLIVA KRAKÓW (Teva Group) pharmaOver 550 products MDS PHARMA SERVICES POLAND SP. Z O.O. clinical research Consulting – 20 clients /year Over 500 patients / year DIAGNOSTYKA SP. Z O.O. diagnostics 35 laboratories in 20 cities in Poland Range of 850 diagnostic tests 2,6 mln. tests performed yearly LUX MED SP. Z care 250 th. permanent patients 350 th. individual patients / year IBSS BIOMED S.A.biotechOver 120 products in 6 categories Diferent sectors and large product range – greate opportunity for interdyscyplinary cooperation and innovative projects
Life Science Cluster Initative in Krakow Established X 2006 by 32 institutions representing 6 interest groups Life science and biotech business Education Research and development Health care Business support Government MED BioF EDU GOV BIZR&D
Life Science Cluster initative in Krakow 64 partners 35,000 employees 6,580 scientists 240 milion Euro in sales 467 milion Euro in projects
Cluster initiative - means and ends healthy society new jobs new produts on market commercialization sustainable growth clean enviroment ………………. healthy society new jobs new produts on market commercialization sustainable growth clean enviroment ………………. be the single point of contact for ease of making relationships and exploring business and scientific collaborations foster cooperation in the field of innovations amongst network members facilitate cooperation and networking within and outside the Malopolska Region get the network players ready to effectively engage with the global lifescience market represent life science community in contacts with similar organisations initiate and coordinate projects aimed at growing and sustaining cluster-wide resources,
Basic research Applied research Technology development Product development Marketing & entrepreneurship Science Patent Invention – functionality Feasibility study Innovation – new product or company Healthy business Funds Law Business i Marketing Cluster from the innovation process perspective Results = CAPABILITIES+RESOURCES+POLICY results The system –organized interconnected set of capabilities and resources, that within given environment produce results, which are of interest of local stakeholders.
Capabilities to collaborate Innovative therapies Eco-Innovations Imaging technologies Diagnostics tools to support medical procedures Healthy ageing (& eating)
Why cooperate with Bio-Malopolska? Why cooperate with Bio-Malopolska? 1. Access to talents and qualified labor force 2. Strong science 3. Diversified economy 4. Investments in research and R&D infrastructure 5. Established networks for cooperation and support for innovation 6. Strong support from local authorities 7. Great business climate - best economic potential 8. Quality of life 1. Access to talents and qualified labor force 2. Strong science 3. Diversified economy 4. Investments in research and R&D infrastructure 5. Established networks for cooperation and support for innovation 6. Strong support from local authorities 7. Great business climate - best economic potential 8. Quality of life
Kazimierz Murzyn Managing Director Cluster Life Science Krakow tel mob The contact Wish you a luck