Who We Are MAGIC (Mid Atlantic Geothermal Industry Coalition) is a regional non-profit association advocating for the development of Geothermal Systems as a dependable, cost-effective, renewable resource for the Mid-Atlantic. We are all passionate about Geothermal Systems and their ability to make an immediate and significant reduction in energy from fossil fuels and carbon emissions.
Our Mission To educate and advocate for the advancement of Geothermal Systems as a valued solution for both residential and commercial applications in the Mid-Atlantic. Align geothermal business concerns (drillers, loop contractors, HVAC, manufacturers, distributors, & etc.) to state and local government groups. Provide education and training to participants, consumers, business and property owners, and political bodies.
5 New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Washington DC Virginia North Carolina States Served
Our Goals Outreach & Education Finance Models Technology Advancement Policy
Target Members
8 Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) RPS is a market-based construct to encourage renewable energy development Maryland approved in 2004 Beginning in 2006, electricity suppliers were required to provide 1% of retail electricity sales in the state from Tier 1 renewables and 2.5% from Tier 2 renewables. Now 20% from Tier 1 resources in 2022 and beyond, and 2.5% from Tier 2 resources through The Tier 2 requirement eventually sunsets, dropping to 0% in 2019 and beyond. Source:
9 S.B. 717 allowing solar water heating systems commissioned on or after June 1, 2011 to qualify as eligible resources for the solar carve-out, effective January 1, In 2013 the state established an offshore wind carve-out of up to 2.5% beginning in Source: Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
10 Renewable Energy Credit (REC) SREC - Solar Renewable Energy Credit: 1 SREC = 1,000 kWh of solar electricity = 1 MWh of solar electricity 10 kW solar capacity = ~12 SRECs per year = $4,680 (3yr)
11 May 22, 2012 Governor O’Malley signed a bill into law making Maryland the first state in the Nation to approve geothermal heating and cooling systems eligibility for Renewable Energy Credits. Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
Maryland Tons Installed
16 MD – 2200 sf Home (3ton) 85 Mbtu Savings/Yr 26% Energy $$ Savings 18 REC/ Per Year Current $3/REC = $162 $65/REC= $1,170 Source:
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