PROGRAMA PUENTE between the family and its rights
In Chile as in all of Latin America, poverty is measured using mainly the “household income” (absolute poverty) In the last decade, the results of such measurement have been as follow:
Although indigence and poverty have decreased, reduction of indigence has slowed down. The characteristics of extreme poverty have changed, making those living in this situation today much more vulnerable than they were before. Efforts at social targeting have been successful in poor families as a group, but there are difficulties in the targeting process ‘inside poverty’ Public offer of services and benefits for the poorest is diversified and organized with a demand perspective. Since persons in extreme poverty are disconnected from the existing social network, such a model excludes them. They are 850,000 people grouped in 177,000 homes, where monthly per capita income is insufficient to provide a basic food basket. They represent 5.7% of the national population.
“To identify the families living in situation of extreme poverty, at the local (communal), regional and national level, as social policy priority subjects, in order to direct toward them preferential action by the State, through selective interventions, with a strong emphasis on the inter- sectoral and integral approach. Observing the situation of persistent indigence or extreme poverty in the country, in the last 4 years, it was seen as necessary.....
The Ministry of Planning and Cooperation (MIDEPLAN), joining efforts with other public organizations, has designed an intervention strategy oriented specifically towards families living in extreme poverty. Such strategy represents one among many other alternatives to approach the issue and its design was based on successful experiences from the local government arena and the private sector.
FOSIS was charged with the responsibility of designing and implementing a programme that allows for the achievement of this goal, utilizing an intervention strategy which is: Organized around an offer of services and benefits. Oriented to be achieved through a net work. Assuming the family as the intervention unit. Its goal was ‘to improve living conditions of families in extreme poverty, generating opportunities and providing the resources they need to allow them to recuperate and achieve a functional and result-oriented capacity, appropriate to individual, family, community and institutional context’.
The programme undertaken by FOSIS should allow... Facilitate the work of organizations involved in overcoming poverty. Optimal use of existing public resources in favour of families living in poverty. Improved targeting of resources within poverty, through increased access for families, resulting from the families’ own efforts.
The programme began in 2002, in 4 regions of the country Magallanes Punta Arenas Natales Porvenir Maule Every municipality (30) Antofagasta Every municipality (9) Metropolitana La Cisterna San Joaquín Pedro Aguirre Cerda San Ramón La Granja Lo Espejo Provincia Maipo Provincia Melipilla Provincia de Talagante
In 2002 the programme reached 14,000 families, distributed regionally as follows: Antofagasta1,677 families Maule6,097 families Metropolitana5,550 families Magellan's 686 families From June 2003, the programme’s coverage extended to 56,000 families throughout the country’s 13 regions.
It is expected that at the conclusion of the Program, at least 70% of these beneficiary families will be “Families who support each other, who are integrated into their local surroundings, who take advantage of the social programs offered to the poor which meet their needs, who are integrated into existing social networks and with an income above the indigence line.”
The PUENTE work strategy Targeting families in extreme poverty The family is the strategic subject of the intervention. It is possible to bring about synergic processes. Improved efficiency and sustainability of results. Application of sectoral policies on the same subjects (integrality). One mechanism for the selection of families – CAS Evaluation or the instrument that replaces it.
The previous is accomplished to the extent that each participating family depends on a set of minimum conditions for the quality of life organised as seven categories of needs: Personal Identification Health Education Family Dynamics Housing Conditions Employment Income
The Program is built upon the foundation of 4 main components Personal attention given by a FAMILY SUPPORT COUNSELLOR assigned to work with each family during home visits throughout the 24 months which occur with diminishing frequency. Family and Counselor, while using the “tool box” methodology (educative materials, specially prepared for the families participating in the Program), will sign work contracts to commit themselves to achieving the set goals which will help them to attain the minimum conditions for the quality of life set by the Program. MONITORING & EVALUATION PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT TO THE FAMILY
Guaranteed Social Protection for 5 years Commitment to Participate Continuity Voucher Guaranteed Subsidies Student Support SAPPASISSUF Protection Voucher Psychosocial support. Preferential access to Social Promotion Programs Families in extreme poverty Families autonomously involved in the social networks available