Аdvice for the young « Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it» Katherina Whitehorn, British journalist.
Match the words/phrases in A to the words in B column 1.a good salary a the company you work for teaches you how to do 2.long holiday b you know you’ll have the job for a long time 3.opportunities for promotion c a good manager 4.my own office d an office only for you 5.friendly collegues e a lot of days off a year 6.Job security f a lot of money for doing your job 7.a good boss h you get paid when you are ill 8.flexible working hours I the chance to travel as part of your job 9.opportunities for travel 10.holiday j pay you can choose when you start and finish work 11.on the job training k nice people to work with 12.sick pay lyou get paid when you’re on holiday
Decide which are the best and the worst paid jobs in Britain A nurse in a hospital, a miner in the coalmine, a shopassistant, a worker in a factory, a bank manager, a dentist, a schoolteacher, a professional footballer, a nuclear scientist, a coach driver, an engeneer, a bus conductor, a hairdresser, an accountant, a carpenter