instructions Play play instructio ns
Push your luck! Is a powerpoint game where you have to see how lucky you can be. Make decisions, answer general knowledge, and play interactive stages push your luck has it all. All you have to do is click. play play
You find K5000 on the ground do you.. Scream and put it in your bank accountScream and put it in your bank account Go spend it on lottery tickets Give it to a hobo and hope the karma comes backGive it to a hobo and hope the karma comes back
You didn’t pay off your loan!!!!!!!! how are you gonna get your way outta this one? Sweet talk the manager Cry Pretend you don’t speak English
Pick your numbers
Oh no! you were walking home and you got hijacked and shot. Didn’t your mama ever tell you hobos reverse your luck?? Click here
the stables!!! click to make your horse win
Is that even possible?
You’re a billionaire! Well I guess you did push your luck! well done! Click here
He didn’t believe you
The bank manager said:
So why are you still here?! You won! Go have some fun!
SORRY! Its game over!