16+ Transitions - Scottish Borders Council Lisa Milford – 16+ LC Co-ordinator/DtS Enterprise & Employability Dev Officer Best Chance Project
How do we link together n 16+ Transitions is a theme group of the Scottish Borders Children & Young People’s Planning Partnership ( CYPPP) and is part of delivering the Scottish Borders Children and Young People’s Service Plan for n Members of the CYPPP and the Strategic Schools Planning and Policy Group ( through EL&L) have lead on the production of the plan. Plan available at: n 16+Learning Choices Strategic group will report to this theme group – hence transition planning in school and referrals to the project will come through Transition Planning Meetings held in school. n Borders College is a partner and is represented on both 16+Transitions theme group and 16+ Learning Choices Strategic group. n Through myself Borders College issue the referral forms to PT Pastoral in schools for completion before interviewing takes place in March.
Current local authority developments supporting Transitions n 16+Learning Choices and Additional Support for Learning Acts ( 2004& 2006) revised code of Practice – Practitioners guidance produced for schools - drawing together what needs to happen for young people in respect of Transition Planning - aligning these documents into one set of guidance that Practitioners can use easily. n Representation from Borders College at all Transition planning meetings in S3 – early link to those identified as potential Best Chance candidates. Follow up support at S4 Transition Planning Meetings.
Outcomes Achieved n Significant improvements in the retention of students and progress through courses into a positive destination. n For Young People: Confidence rebuilt by young people in their education experience to date, More effective communications with school, parents, staff and Borders College through a planned transition process. n For Staff : Team working across sectors - EL&L, Social Work and College and Supportive integrated working across the Council.
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