Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and the FBI LAW AND JUSTICE
Federal Jurisdiction Federal law enforcement agencies have nationwide jurisdiction - They are able to act in all states and U.S. territories - Do not have to abide by local or state protocol, although typically try and work in conjunction with other agencies. Federal agencies do NOT enforce local or state laws. They only operate on federal matters. - A US Marshal will not give you a speeding ticket
Leadership Most federal agencies are under the leadership of the Executive Branch. ◦15 Executive Departments and many more executive agencies ◦The President appoints the leadership of these groups ◦Many leadership positions are political, like the Attorney General (head of Dept. of Justice), but most lower-level leadership positions are non- partisan. Virtually all Executive Departments have a law enforcement component. ◦Ex. Department of Interior has the Bureau of Indian Affairs Police
Cost Department of Homeland Security - $65 billion TSA - $7.3 billion Immigration and Customs - $6.2 billion U.S. Border Protection - $13.5 billion Department of Justice - $28.6 billion FBI - $8.4 billion Drug Enforcement Admin - $3 billion *Stats spend around $50 billion on prisons each year
The FLETC Stands for: ◦Federal Law Enforcement Training Center ◦Headquarters are located in Georgia, but several locations throughout the US ◦Operates under the Dept of Homeland Security ◦Trains numerous federal agencies on various items ◦Active Shooter ◦Marksmanship ◦Forensic Techniques ◦ATV Training
The FBI Established in 1908 with the motto “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity.” Employs nearly 35,000 people; headquarters in Washington DC; 56 field offices throughout the US Their DNA System called CODIS runs DNA databases and has has produced over 187,000 hits that have assisted in more than 180,000 investigations. The FBI holds National DNA Index that contains almost 10 million offender profiles, 1.2 million arrestee profiles, and 450,000 forensic profiles.
Requirements to Work in the FBI yrs old US citizen Drivers license 4 yr degree 3 yrs of work experience Passing of exams and interviews Passing of Background check and Physical Fitness Test (300-meter sprint, sit-ups, a 1.5-mile run, and push-ups.)
Personnel Special Agents - 11, 633 (6/30/03) ◦Training at Quantico ◦17 weeks ◦Academics, Firearms, Physical Exercises ◦Assigned as needs dictate Professional Support – 15,904 Recruit and hire own directly through 56 Field Offices
FBI Headquarters
FBI Academy
Fun FBI Facts