Grammar Notes #4 Clauses December 4 th
Clause Definition: A word group that contains a subject and verb and is used as a sentence or a part of a sentence. Subject and Verb
There are 2 types of clauses Santa Elf INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT or SUBORDINATE
Type One: Independent Clause Definition: A clause that contains a subject, verb and expresses a complete thought. It CAN stand alone as a sentence ALL by itself. Independent Clause= Independent Santa takes the toys to all the children and is in charge of the North Pole- HE IS THE MAN!!
Type Two: Dependent Clause Definition: contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought Another name for a Dependent Clause is Subordinate Clause. It CAN NOT stand alone as a sentence. Dependent Clause= Dependent Elf needs Santa’s help to bring the toys to the children
Dependent Clauses will began with Subordinate Conjunctions- (these are the reindeer that help the elves get to toys for Santa) 1. After 2. Although 3. As 4. as if 5. as long as 6. as though 7. Because 8. Before 9. even if 10. even though 11. If 12. if only 13. in order that 1. now that 2. Once 3. rather than 4. Since 5. so that 6. Than 7. That 8. Though 9. Till 10. Unless 11. Until 12. When 13. Whenever 14. Where 15. Whereas 16. Wherever 17. while
Complex Sentences Definition: A sentence that contains an independent and dependent clause. Complex sentences must have a Santa, reindeer, and an elf!! + += COMPLEX SENTENCE Independent Subordinating Conjunction Dependent Clause
Here’s trick #1 to remember If the independent clause comes first in the complex sentence, no comma is needed to connect the independent clause to the dependent clause. ( If Santa comes before the reindeer, he does not need a leash.) Ex: She skates all night until the sun comes up. Indep. Clause= Santa comes first Sub. Conjunction= Reindeer comes after Santa needs no leash or comma
Here’s trick #2 to remember If the dependent clause comes first in the complex sentence, a comma is needed to connect the dependent clause to the independent clause. ( If The Reindeer comes first, Santa needs a leash,comma, to make sure the reindeer does not run away!) Ex: When it thunders outside, Zoie gets scared. Sub. Conjunction= Reindeer first Comma needed= Leash Indep. Clause= Santa last
Let’s Practice!!! Which clauses are Independent (Santa) and which are Dependent (Elves)??? 1. After Jim woke- 2. Antonio told her- 3. When the mechanic finished the job- 4. Robb dashed to the window- 5. Even though they invited Herb - 6. Before he saw the movie - 7. If you want - 8. Teddy stopped the dryer -
Let’s Practice Identifying both types of clauses in these complex sentences Underline the independent clause once, circle the subordinating conjunction, and underline the subordinating conjunction, and underline the dependent clause twice. Add a comma if the dependent clause comes first in the complex sentence. Identify the subjects and verbs by placing a S and V above each
Sentence One Sally looked for tiny fish where the pond was shallow.
Sentence Two The post office is closed because today is a holiday.
Sentence Three If the weather stays nice, we can go biking this afternoon.
Sentence Four Jan’s kite soared higher while Mimi’s looked better.
Sentence Five Hillary spoke to Steve after she spoke to me.
Sentence Six Until I get the class under control we will not go to the computer lab.
Let’s Create Write two complex sentences. Underline the independent clause once, circle the subordinating conjunction, and underline the dependent clause twice.