Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) Integration of adaptation to climate change in the water sector The cold wave in Tajikistan, winter Roger Aertgeerts Regional Adviser, Water and Sanitation
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 2
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 3 Over 1,000 climate-related events hit Europe in the last three decades Droughts, extreme temperatures, floods, wildfires and windstorms Precipitation regime changes, affecting river flow and aquifer recharge Flood events increase –Nine events in 2005 affecting 1,260,000 km in 16 countries Drought events become more severe Photo: Istockphoto
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 4 Disturbance in precipitation Droughts –Food production, inter-sectoral competition and outbreak of water-related diseases Floods –Contamination, damage to infrastructure, interruptions in in water services, displaced persons Stream flow modification –Impact on resources, energy, health
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 5 Natural disasters TJK (1990 – 2006)
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 6 Cold wave 2008
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 7 Impacts and actions Paralyzed primary health care Cessation of delivery of care to the population Water supply to wards affected by energy cuts Central heating system collapsed Medical instruments inoperative Hospital admissions increased 50% at inside temp 5°C and cancellation of non-urgent interventions Identification of key hospitals and redirecting rural patients Transfer of fuel, drugs, and other resources to key hospitals Redirection of hospital staff to family assistance at territorial level Establishment of daily reporting system Tightening of clinical and epidemiological surveillance and folloz-up
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 8 A new WHO tool for European decision-makers presents the current and projected health effects related to climate change and provides practical guidance on specific actions that countries and people can take now to protect their health. Protecting health in Europe from climate change
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 9 UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Aims Protection of transboundary waters by preventing, controlling and reducing transboundary impacts Ecologically sound and rational management of transboundary waters Reasonable and equitable use of transboundary waters Conflict prevention Conservation and restoration of ecosystems Protocol on Water and Health
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) Task Force on Water and Climate Prepare a Guidance on Water and Climate Adaptation Targeted to support cooperation and decision making in transboundary basins Aim: adoption by the Meeting of the Parties at its fifth session (Oct. 2009)
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 11 Task Force on water supply and extreme events –Guidance for the operation of Water Supply and Sanitation Services under Extreme Weather Conditions (in preparation) –Exchange information on management of water and sanitation utilities under extreme drought/ flooding –Codify good practice guidance documents in this area
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 12 Conclusion Climate change will severely impact the most fundamental determinant of health – water quantity and quality. Water management systems need to adapt Health systems require strengthening WHO through the Protocol on Water and Health is in the forefront of supporting adaptation efforts by its Member States.
Workshop on adaptation to climate change in the water sector (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 – 2 July 2008) 13 Thank you for your attention