Stability Through Engagement Program STEP. STEP is a Housing First Program It is offered without preconditions, such as employment, income, mainstream.


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Presentation transcript:

Stability Through Engagement Program STEP

STEP is a Housing First Program It is offered without preconditions, such as employment, income, mainstream resources, sobriety, good credit, clean criminal history, etc. The resources and services are tailored to the unique needs of the households.

STEP Application Process Navigators will help clients complete the Step Application Packet including; the STEP Application, STEP Authorization for Release of Information; the DHHS Release forms and other documentation detailed on the Application Checklist. Navigators, or their Data Entry colleagues, will enter client information in HMIS (or their comparable database). They will then scan & upload the documents into Service Point, or ShareFile for non-HMIS participating agencies. Navigators must inform their Program Officer via that the materials are available, and must include client’s Service Point ID or Unique ID (no client names, please). INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please double check that everything is completed and included before submission to avoid delays.

New Application Items More Navigator Info Zip Code of Last Address Mailing Address Information (Update it) Race and Ethnicity Info (Optional) Veteran Status Total Monthly Household Income Questions about Medical Marijuana, Criminal Activity, & Monies Owed to HA’s

Common Application Errors Check ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the grey box Missing Zip Codes or Phone Numbers Illegible Names Unreadable Answers Undecipherable Numbers Answering “Yes” to some questions requires follow-up information Information in the Application does not match information on other documents

STEP Application Approval The Program Officer will review the application, run the necessary background checks, and inform the Navigator if the Application is approved or denied. If the client meets eligibility the Program Officer will authorize the Navigator to proceed with a Coupon Issuance Briefing. The Navigator will upload a copy of the Coupon and Obligations form to Service Point or ShareFile. If the client is not eligible, the Program Officer will issue a denial letter that will be sent by the Navigator and kept in the client’s file. The client will have the opportunity to appeal this decision. The Navigator will update the client file according to the Client File Checklist and enter all required data and STEP assessment information into HMIS, or their comparable database.

In case you are wondering… Data entry for STEP is just as important as data entry for your shelter !!!!!

STEP Coupon Issuance & Client Briefing Once a client is approved for STEP, the Navigator will schedule and conduct a Coupon Issuance Briefing with the client. The Briefing includes reviewing program rules, requirements and expectations with the client. The Navigator will review all the materials in the Briefing Packet with the Client, explaining each item in detail, and will obtain signatures and other pertinent information where required. The Navigator will go over the Landlord Packet information, and explain what the client will need to do once they find a unit they are interested in. When completed, the Participant will retain the Briefing Packet with copies of documents that have been completed, and one copy of the Landlord Packet.

The Coupon and Other Information The Coupon Outlines the terms of participation in detail Specifies size of the unit (#BRs) the household is eligible for Good for 90 days from issue date (can be extended if needed) Obligations Sheet Clarifies what the Client is agreeing to Declaration 214, DHHS Release, Income Certs Fair Housing, Rental Housing Guide, Good Place to Live, Lead Paint, Radon & Bed Bugs. The Landlord Packet – more on this later

STEP Security & Utility Deposits STEP may provide a security and utility deposit to assist participants in securing housing. The maximum security deposit amount provided will be no greater than one month’s rent. STEP can also provide a one-time utility deposit, if required to get a utility connected for a tenant. (We cannot cover a back bill.)

HOUSING SEARCH Make clients aware of all the resources available. Make sure they understand the guidelines. Accompany clients to potential units when possible. This will: Help clients avoid potential problems they may not see Eliminate multiple visits to the unit Help you meet and establish relationships with landlords Explain the program, negotiate terms, let them know that they can contact you if there are any questions or concerns

STEP Move-in and Lease-up Process 1.Submitting the Request for Unit Approval (RFUA) and other Landlord Paperwork 2. The Unit Inspection 3.Completing the Move-in 4.Now the real work begins! (aka: Stability)

Submitting the Landlord Packet The Landlord should return all paperwork to the Navigator. The Navigator will review all the paperwork for completeness, ensuring the unit meets program requirements and guidelines, including calculating the total Rent and Utility costs of the unit. If everything is in order, the Navigator will submit the paperwork to the Program Officer through ServicePoint or ShareFile for non HMIS participating agencies (and send an to inform the Program Officer with the Client ID#). The submission must include: RFUA (Sections for Tenant, Landlord, and Navigator to complete) Lease Addendum (signatures and dates) Lead Base Paint Disclosure Form (Completed, signed and dated) Maine Radon Gas Disclosure Statement (WITH RESULTS, completed, signed and dated) W-9 (Landlords may wish to send this to the Navigator directly) Sample Lease (BLANK – NOT SIGNED)

Review of Landlord/Unit Information The Program Officer will make sure the paperwork submitted is completed. If the paperwork is incomplete or does not meet program requirements, it will be sent back to the Navigator to negotiate any issues with the landlord and/or tenant. If everything is in order, the Program Officer will contact the Landlord to schedule an inspection. They will inform the Navigator of the date and time. The Navigator will inform the Tenant.

Inspecting the Unit When the inspection is complete the Program Officer will inform the Landlord and Navigator of PASS or FAIL status. PASS: The Tenant and Landlord may sign the lease that day, if that is what they agree to, or soon thereafter. FAIL: Program Officer will inform the Landlord of the deficiencies that must be corrected in order to PASS. If the landlord is agreeable to correcting the deficiencies, the Program Officer will schedule a re-inspection or otherwise verify the deficient items have been corrected and inform the Navigator. If the Landlord is not agreeable to correcting the deficiencies, the Program Officer will inform the Navigator of the landlord’s decision and that the Tenant will need to obtain a new landlord packet and start searching for a different unit.

Completing the Move-In Once the unit has passed Inspection and the participants are ready to move in, the Navigator MUST submit/upload the following and inform the Program Officer by that the information is available: Clarify the lease up date Current homeless status documentation Current income verifications from any and all income sources. “Current” verifications must be dated within 60 days prior to the move in date. With this information the Program Officer will create the Landlord Lease Letter, which includes: Request for a copy of the executed lease A HAP Contract to be signed and returned by the Landlord The Tenant and Program payment amounts to landlord, including the Security Deposit and any pro-rated amounts. Copies of this letter will be sent to the Landlord, Tenant, and Navigator. Checks are mailed by MaineHousing the first week of the month.

The STEP Relationships



STEP Program Completion The EOP Document Upon completion of the program, regardless of the reason for the end of the client’s participation, the Navigator MUST fill out and submit an EOP form. OUTCOMES IMPACT FUNDING!

Questions? Thank you