To pay fees online, key the shown address into your internet browser. Once website for eSchool Payments has loaded, press the Proceed to Registration arrow. You will then be directed to a page with schools participating in online fee payments. Please select the appropriate school for your student. You will then be directed to the fee payment screen for the selected school. Making Online Fee Payments with eSchool Payments
Please complete ALL fields in the Student/Parent Information section. Please enter a valid address and a receipt of your payment will be ed to you. If you do not have a valid , please enter since all fields are required. An option will be given at the end of the process to print a copy of your receipt. Under the Classroom Items section, click on each category to see the items available for payment. Check the box beside each item(s) you wish to pay in each category. If the item has a quantity box beside it, please select the quantity you are purchasing. Categories A Sub Total is provided to reflect the total purchases for the student. A convenience fee will be accessed to EACH processed payment. The Total Amount Due is the amount that will be charged to the your credit card. Once all items to be purchased have been selected, please press the Proceed to Payment Page button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be redirected to the secure website of TrustCommerce for payment processing. This fee is an example only and does not reflect the actual fee for Montgomery County Schools.
Enter valid credit card information and press the Process Transaction button. If the credit card payment is approved, you will be redirected back to eSchool Payments website and a receipt of the payment will be provided. Please print the receipt for your records by using the printer icon in right hand corner of page. If you provided a valid address, an will be sent to your address also.