Regents Review Ancient Civilizations
Latin America Polytheism Highly organized and advanced Achievements in math and science.
West Africa Traded gold and salt Mali- Mansa Musa converted to Islam. Spread Islam in Africa
North Africa Egyptians- River Valley civilization. Polytheistic, pharaohs, heiroglyphics. Kush (Ethiopia) and Axum- centers of trade- spices, gems and ivory.
Mesopotamia Fertile Crescent (between Tigris and Euphrates). Babylonians- Code of Hammurabi Sumerians- Cuneiform Phoenicians- phonetic alphabet Hebrews- monotheism
India Maurya- Asoka- converts to Buddhism and spread Buddhism. Gupta- Golden Age- peace and prosperity, art, literature and math flourished.
China Zhou- Mandate of Heaven. Developed Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism. Han- Silk Road- Carried Chinese jade, bronzes and silk westward in exchange for goods in India and the Mediterranean.
Greece and Rome Greece- ancient Athenians developed democracy. Romans- written law- 12 Tables