Java 프로그래밍 II 한상철 (Han, Sangchul) 상허연구동 102 호 ( )
평가 출석 (10%) 중간고사 (40%) 기말고사 (40%) 과제 (10%) 교재 제목 : Java How to Program 저자 : Harvey Deitel & Paul Deitel 출판사 : Pearson Inc.
Schedule 0. Outline of class - Introduction, Setup for programming environments ch3. Introduction to Classes and Objects - Declaring classes & methods ch6. Methods: A Deeper Look - Static methods & fields - Case study ch7. Arrarys and ArrayLists - Declaring, creating, and using Arrays - Class Arrays & Class ArrayList ch8. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look - Time class case study - Controlling access, 'this' reference, overloaded constructors - Set- and Get- methods, Enumerations, static class members
Schedule ch9. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance - Superclass & subclass, protected members - Relationship between superclass and subclass - Constructors in subclass, Class object ch10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism - Polymorphism example, Abstract class and method - Case study: using polymorphism - Case study: using interfaces ch11. Exception Handling - Error-handling overview, Examples, Java exception hierarchy - finally block, Stack unwinding, Chained exception