Victoria brown & Dylan miller Beef Master cow Victoria brown & Dylan miller
Breed characteristic's a. There is no set color pattern in the breed, they are generally light red to dark red and some will have white mottle on their faces. b. They are moderate in size, excellent growth and carcass abilities c. Horned d. Maternal e. The taste of the steak, horns, reproductive system. More meat on males than females. f. Most owners calves are trained at a very early age to come to the sound of a horn and a feed bag. They spend time with them when they are young so that they are use to people and are easy to work with and handle. A calf with a bad disposition is culled from the herd.
History a/b. The development of the breed was begun in 1931 by Tom Lasater on a ranch near Falfurrias, Texas. The foundation herd of the breed was moved in 1949 to Matheson, Colorado, where development continues. c. Beef masters are the most important part to any crossbreeding program because of the powerful impact they have on Maternal Heterosis. d. These cattle have been developed by the Laster Ranch then headquartered in Texas f. Remains of domesticated cattle dating to 6,500 B.C. have been found in Turkey and other sites in the Near East approach this age also. Some authorities date the domestication of cattle as early as 10,000 years ago, and others almost half that amount of time. g. The breed is recognized as a "Dual Purpose" breed, meaning Beef masters blend strong maternal traits with excellent growth and carcass abilities.
Daily care a. Feeding diets with lowered protein content reduces nitrogen input, improves nitrogen utilization efficiently, and reduces nitrogen losses from manure. b. Food quality and safety expectations other wise infections c. Herd Identification d. Master Guard® vaccines contain a unique combination of killed and MLV components to provide reproductive pathogens and respiratory protection that’s proven safe and effective in cattle. Effective 5-way viral and Lepto protection e. ‘’If you are a grass-based rancher who likes thrifty cattle that raise profitable calves in any climate with a minimum of attention, Beef master is the breed for you!’’ f. $1,800-16,900
Anatomy a. Their digestive system allows them to digest plant material by repeatedly regurgitating it and chewing it. b. respiratory system: Consists of the lungs and the heart, producing oxygen for carbon dioxide. c. Nervous system: gathers sorts and stores information and initiates movement. d. Skeletal System: has 207 bones e. Circulatory System: moves sugar throughout the cows body and protein. f. Reproductive System: Beef master cattle are 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford, and 25% Milking Shorthorn g. Muscular System: 3 types of muscles. Smooth, skeletal, cardiac
Production techniques a. Females will be bred to calve in the spring. They will be rebred beginning in May by artificial insemination to the top bulls in the Beef master and Angus breed. Beef master bulls will be used to breed any females that did not settle by artificial insemination. Calving ease scores will be collected on the cows. b. The Beef master-sired calves performed well in growth and carcass characteristics. c. From 1974 to 1998, membership in Beef master Breeders United (BBU) grew from 300 to nearly 7,000. BBU, which was founded in 1961, is one of the top five largest beef breed registry in the United States in membership and top ten in registrations. d. Based on the price of the meat by the pound.
Meat production a. b. Beef Master Cows are grass fed, aka naturally fed. c. Calves that are raised to 475-500 pounds d. Beef breed