Cogn; Sci (to know, knowledge)
Cog ni tion Cog ni zant Con science Con sci en tious In cog ni to Om ni scient Re cog nize Sci en tist Sci ol is tic Un con scion able
Cognition (N) A Mental process –Of knowing
Cognizant (Adj) To be informed –fully –aware
Conscience (N) A source –Of moral judgment –Knowing right from wrong.
Conscientious (Adj) Characteristic –Through –Principled –Extreme care and effort
Incognito (Adj, Adv) Describes –An unknow identity –Conceled identity
Omniscent (Adj) Having –Total knowledge –All knowing
Recognize (V) To identify –From past experience
Scientist (N) A person –Having expert knowledge in science
Sciolistic (Adj) Showing –Superficial interest –Amateur-like –Superficial knowledge
Unconscionable (Adj) behvior –Not restrained by the concience. -Unreasonably unfair.