1 12 th Educational Repositories Network Seminar Open Education Europa: The European Hub for Innovation in Education Stylianos Mystakidis 20 October 2015, Copenhagen
Welcome to openeducationeuropa.eu
Part of the Opening Up Education initiative A Collaborative Network of OE institutions A Community of Practitioners working together 3 openeducationeuropa.eu
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European Institutions & Associations Over 200 HE Institutions in Europe (28+ countries) OER Repositories/ MOOC Platforms/ Other Initiatives ANY OTHER INSTITUTIONS
The homepage
DISCUSS FIND IN-DEPTHSHARE openeducationeuropa.eu three main pillars
Insightful Editorials – Expert Opinions - Interactive Discussions 10
eLearning papers Teacher-led Innovation eLearningpapers journal eLearning papers 2015 topics addressing key issues of open education: Nº 41: Innovation, entrepreneurship and education Nº 41 Nº 42: Design Patterns for Open Online Teaching and Learning Nº 42 Nº 43: Applied Games and Gamification – Drivers for Change Nº 43 Nº 44: Teacher-led Innovation and the teachers' role in the digital era Nº 44 Nº 45: Language Learning and Technology Nº 45
IN-DEPTH 13 Blog Posts Groups Events Good Practices
Focus on Education Innovation
New priorities for European cooperation in education and training 1.Relevant and high-quality skills and competences, focusing on results, for employability, innovation and active citizenship 2.Inclusive education, equality, non-discrimination and promotion of civic competences 3.Open and innovative education and training, including by fully embracing the digital era 4.Strong support for educators 5.Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning and labour mobility 6.Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency of education and training systems Source: Draft 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)Draft 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)
Focus on Education Innovation 1.European Teachers Contest 2.Good Practices Section 3.Community of European Education Pioneers 4.Education in the Digital Era Activities 5.Open Education Europa Tour (Workshop Series)
Open Education Europa Teachers Contest Boosting innovative teaching Sharing openly Good Teaching Practices
Open Education Europa Teachers Contest Open for all Educators in Europe All levels of formal Education (primary, secondary, higher), Vocational Training, Adult Education All disciplines/subjects Prize: Visit to an Innovative European School Open Education Europa (OEE) Pioneer Badge for all participants
How can you participate? You may submit in any European language Deadline: October 31 st, 2015 Share your good practice in the OEE portal!
What is a Good Practice in OEE? Action, initiative or experience that enhances learning and is characterized by: Innovation or Openness or Inclusion
OEE Good Practices Criteria Innovation: application of a novel approach, method, medium or resource to improve teaching or learning (not necessarily tech- related) Openness: use or production of resources that are shared freely; the opening up of the classroom with open educational practices Inclusion; providing access to education or training to a previously excluded group or audience
Open Education Europa Good Practices Section Sharing of Good Practices remains open after the Teachers Contest
Good Practices Section
Good Practices Early Analysis 69 Good Practices from 22 countries 30 GPs self-associate with Openness Submission in 8 different languages Top-5 countries: Greece, Romania, Spain, Lithuania, Italy 38% from Eastern European countries No GPs (so far) from: France, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden 26
Open Education Europa Education Pioneers Community
OEE European Education Pioneers Community
Education in the Digital Era Activities 29 2 Tweetchats #openedueu #eddigera 4 Webinars
Open Education Europa Tour Education Innovation Workshop Series
OEE Tour (London Workshop): 8 Teacher Truths in the Digital Era 1.Learning aims, not tech dreams 2.Create conditions for risk-taking 3.Effect a change in teacher attitudes 4.Ensure the tech works flawlessly 5.Save teachers time 6.Find new ways to share knowledge 7.Meet teachers and use influencers 8.Create spaces for experimentation
Open Education Europa & European OER Repositories
Issues for European cooperation in education and training Mainstreaming innovative and active pedagogies to enhance the development of relevant and high-level skills and competences while fostering inclusive education Fostering participatory education governance Increasing synergies between education, research and innovation activities Promoting the use of ICT as a driver for systemic change to increase quality and relevance of education at all levels Boosting availability and quality of open and digital educational resources and pedagogies at all education levels, in cooperation with European open source communities Addressing the development of digital skills and competences at all levels of learning in response to the digital revolution Source: Draft 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)Draft 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)
European OER Repositories List
European OER List 35
Methodology What did we include? European OER Portals and Repositories Educational material repositories/directories Larger Repositories rather than very specific ones Focus on those who include Creative Commons license and on National/public OER repositories Focus on material for teachers (for the classroom/schools) rather than on higher education Collaborative OER production initiatives (e.g. LeMill, RVP.CZ Portal, Lektion.se, KlasCement") 114 repositories listed This is an ongoing process!
Methodology What did we did not include? Open access journal/publication sites (can be found OpenDOAR) Open course ware or MOOCs ITunes U Academic Repositories (articles, reports, thesis) Open TextBooks, OpenAccess Repositories Sets of content that are not under CC licences such as BBC Include digital libraries of universities etc Free educational media from non-commercial providers (free education by Greek TV channel) (Free) commercial digital resources (Pearson: "OpenClass”) National e-textbook initiatives Free educational media from non-commercial providers (BBC, Times Educational Supplement website…)
The Findings 38
The Findings 39
The Findings The majority are mainly focused on offering OER Different sizes: From 100 OERs to more than published Not all of them (but many) reference clearly the Creative Commons license Nearly none with user feedback/rating tools Multilingual OER offered in some cases, even by national repositories Usually no reference to quality No standardization: taxonomies, subjects, structure Interest in sharing: Several repositories offer RSS
Get the European OER List (open data)
Call to Action for European OER Repositories 1/2 Encourage your Community Leaders & OER Champions to: Register in Open Education Europa Register Share their Good Practices Share Join & participate in the OEE Education Pioneers CommunityEducation Pioneers Community
Call to Action for European OER Repositories 2/2 Give us your feedback on the European OER List Be involved in our upcoming activities around Education Innovation Co-organize a Education Innovation Workshop (online or face-to-face) Cooperate with us to make OER and your Repositories the epicenter in European Educators every-day’s practice
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