In the time period of the Middle ages a horrible plague appeared in Europe. This plague would kill half of the population of Europe.
causes The black plague was caused by the lack of bathing and being clean. An effect of this was that rats (witch were infected) bight the people, and would infect them.
Effects The effects of this plague was that people were dying because of the plague, the trade was decreasing and Europe was suffering in a time of darkness.
Mayor difficulty's The mayor difficulties of the black death was that traders from China were coming from China with rats, this rats had been infected by fleas. When rats got to Europe they sensed that people didn’t have much bathing and decided to stay there. The most difficult part for the black death to infect was in the mountains because rats would die if they got to a very high place.
Main accomplishments The main accomplishments done during the black death was that people started to create some treatments that worked in some persons who´s immune system was stronger. They also designed a way to keep the black death contained, so they trapped persons inside of their homes with their family.
THE BLACK DEATHS ACOMPLISHMENTS The black deaths accomplishment was to kill one-third of the population of Europe. It allso accomplished to be remembered in history a a universal plague capable of killing and of making suffer people.
Its legacy Our ancestors legacy left us knowledge enough for us to be able to study it and find possible cures. This may leave an impact on our life if something like this happens and we depend on a cure to survive.
timeline 1347 The black death began in Europe 1345 Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is completed 1351 The black death ends in Europe
conclusion The black death made a great impact on Europe and its economy If Europe would have a better cleaning this plague wouldn't have affected so much people
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