Thoracic Surgery 2/8/15 – 2/14/15 Poornima Vanguri
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Vanguri 2/9 Epiphrenic diverticulum, esophageal dysmotility Upper Endoscopy, Laparoscopic Heller myotomy and DOR fundoplication, Left thoracotomy with resection of diverticulum Cassano/Lanning Vanguri 2/10 Hyperparathyroidism, Mediastinal mass Left VATS, Robitc assisted excision of mediastinal mass Cassano/Vanguri 2/10 Squamous cell lung cancer Right axillary mass excision Shah/Vanguri 2/11 Esophageal perforation s/p stent EGD, removal of stent Shah/Vanguri 2/12 Zenker’s diverticulum Trans-oral repair of Zenker’s with crichopharyngeal myotomy Shah/Vanguri 2/13 Respiratory failure, need for long-term feeding access Open gastrostomy tube placement, percutaneous tracheostomy Nicolato/Shah 2/13 Right pleural foreign body Right VATS, removal of foreign body
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Shah Vanguri 2/12 Respiratory failurePercutaneous tracheostomy Cassano/Vanguri 2/13 Right lung cancer Bronchoscopy, EBUS, Port-a-cath placement Cassano/Vanguri 2/13 Left lung cancerLeft VATS, wedge resection Cassano/Vanguri 2/13 Right lung nodulesRight VATS, wedge resection Nicolato/Shah 2/13 Left lower lobe lung mass Left thoracotomy, left lower lobectomy Nicolato/Stern 2/14 Left pleural effusion, pulmonary laceration Left VATS, decortication, wedge resection
Death and Complications AttendingDATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Cassano/Espino2/10 2/6 – Right pleural effusion/Right VATS, decortication 2/7 – Right hemothorax/Right VATS, evacuation of hematoma Sepsis, MSOF, withdrawal of care, death Shah/Deantonio2/12 2/3- AML,Right hemothorax s/p CT guided needle biopsy/ Right VATS, decortication Shock, tumor lysis syndrome, withdrawal of care, death