To add “free-text summary holdings” in the Cataloguing Wizard
Cataloguing toolbar
Bib record
Must have 852 tag Can insert marc tags
OPAC display
To check-in serials a Serial Control Record must be created in the Serials Control Wizard
Serials toolbar
Creat a vendor for claiming late issues
Create serial control record
Basic folder
Pattern folder Page down
Fill in 852 & 866 fields
Subscription folder
Change to 1 if you bar code issues
Binding info
Info for tech staff checkin notes etc. Expected and received folders will be empty at this time Still more folders
Routing slip entries
Will create predictions for expected issues
Use 3 letters only
Check in issue
If issue is correct click here
Routing slip
OPAC iLink
3 latest issues received Pattern defined summary holdings Free text summary holdings
Note: MARC Serials Holdings fields created by checking in issues