Second Annual Meeting Final discussion of the TRAFOON Consortium 13 November 2015, Athens, Greece T RADITIONAL FOOD NETWORK TO IMPROVE THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE FOR INNOVATION
2 Second round of Training Workshops (2016): -Based on the feedbacks from SMEs collected during the first round (2015) -New TWs should be held before August 2016 (Deliverables second SME training workshop, M34) Additional TWs or knowledge transfer activities: -Many partners have spent less than the 20% of their budget during the first reporting period - E.g. additional TWs, training material, marketing strategies for SMEs or study visit. All suggestions are more than welcome TRAFOON – 2nd annual meeting
3 Reminder: Report on TWs (2015) need to be sent to: a)WP leaders = To be included in the corresponding Deliverable (M 26) b)Coordination team = to be uploaded in the intranet section at the TRAFOON website TRAFOON – 2nd annual meeting
4 Publication of TRAFOON results: IoNs, SWOT analyses, impacts, etc. -Consortium General Agreement (authors, results from food categories, etc.) -EC FP7 post-grant Open Access Pilot: Pilot action to fund open access peer-reviewed publications from finalized FP7 projects. This initiative is implemented by the project OpenAIRE2020. For the FP7 post-grant pilot: - Contact form in the OpenAIRE post-grant pilot page - Your country's National Open Access desk TRAFOON – 2nd annual meeting
Any questions, comments?