MAJOR HERESIES main church councils stop heresies In a Theocracy, theological problems are also political problems to prevent splits you must give “official position” est. statement of faith – simple and thorough THEOLOGICAL CONTROVERSIES
325COUNCIL OF NICEA Arian Heresy Jesus was not God, but a created being similar to God, but not of same substance Issued “Athanasian Creed” Jehovah’s Witness THEOLOGICAL CONTROVERSIES
381 COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE Appollinarian Heresy Jesus is God in body, but the person he becomes does not have a human mind/soul Issued “Nicene Creed” THEOLOGICAL CONTROVERSIES
431 COUNCIL OF EPHESUS Nestorian Heresy Jesus is God and man, but the human mind/soul did not interact with the divine 451 COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON Eutichian Heresy Jesus is fully divine and human, but Jesus the human was absorbed into the divine not a complete human Issued “Chalcedonian Creed” THEOLOGICAL CONTROVERSIES
RISE OF HERMITS and MONASTERIES Before Constantine to be holy you witnessed Suffered said “NO” to Roman immorality After Constantine – how does one show holiness since everyone is supposed to be Christian? SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY
As Immortality and Roman influence INCREASED in the Church GODLY MEN/WOMEN LEFT THE CITIES AND ISOLATED THEMSELVES TO KEEP “HOLY” – stayed in desert = HERMITS BUT it is h ard to be holy as a lonely Hermit, so began to join together to create MONASTERIES self-contained did not have to “contaminate” with city life SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY
MONKS Preserved SCHOLASTICISM, MORALITY, and PIETY, especially during slow decline of Christianity during the “DARK AGES” Jerome – studied Hebrew translated Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin Benedict – “Benedictine Rules” vows of chastity, obedience, poverty SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY