LGA Update – Country Areas Recycling By Geoff Johnston Managing Director One World Environmental Solutions
Country Areas Recycling 18 of 43 Councils have some form of Dry Recyclate collection 5 of these have some form of Organics collection Most councils have some form of drop off centre usually arranged with a service club There exists little co-operation between Councils to improve recycling benefit
Quantities Rural Recycling (inc. Rural Cities) Waste130,750 tonnes84.9% Dry Recyclates 15,444 tonnes10.0% Organics 7,800 tonnes 5.0% Diversion 23,244 tonnes 15.1%
Comparisons Metropolitan Adelaide Waste235,880 Tonnes52.52% Dry Recyclates113,404 Tonnes25.25% Organics 99,867 Tonnes22.23% Diversion213,271 Tonnes 47.48%
Opportunities Manage inflow into the community at every opportunity Realize the commercial value of recyclates and arrange their sale Create MOU’s or Regional subsidiaries to more efficiently handle waste streams Add “milk runs” for Dry Recyclates to collect loose materials from most locations
Utilize common systems for materials handling to ensure long term capability Add capacity to manage Green Organics as mulching or composting in the community (educational process for Work Staff) Engage most appropriate technologies NOT necessarily the latest or smartest
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