The Scientific Method: 1. Make an O bservation a. Observation: Using one or more of the 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell) to collect information/data from and about the surroundings (fact) b. Instruments are used to extend the senses and make observations more accurate Ex. microscope, ruler, telescope 2. Ask a Q uestion
3. Form a H ypothesis: Educated guess or inference based on observation (often an “if…then” statement) a. Inference- A conclusion based on experiences and previous knowledge: something that is thought out, but not directly observed ex. It is hotter in Florida today than it is in New York 4. Conduct an E xperiment- test the hypothesis
5. Form a C onclusion or R e-do starting at Step 3 a. Conclusion: A judgment or decision reached after the consideration of observations and data. b. Theory: Best answer based on all available data. A theory is not absolute, meaning that it can change. (ex. Theory of Evolution, Big Bang Theory) c. Law: An answer that is absolute, meaning it cannot change (Law of Gravity)
Observation Question Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion or Re-do
Scientists follow these steps so that the experiment can be duplicated. It also reduces error